via Mugabe finally issues statement on Mandela — Nehanda Radio DECEMBER 7, 2013
President Robert Mugabe finally broke his 24 hour silence and issued a statement on the death of former South Africa President Nelson Mandela.
Last year President Robert Mugabe brought his quiet feud with former South African President Nelson Mandela into the open, jealously claiming his coalition partner Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai had nothing to celebrate from being likened to the anti-apartheid icon.
The bizarre silence as other world leaders and celebrities spoke out had triggered criticism in the media and social networks given Mugabe’s criticism of Mandela in the past.
In his message addressed to South Africa’s President Jacob Zuma Mugabe said:
“On behalf of the Government and people of the Republic of Zimbabwe, Zanu-PF and indeed on my own behalf, I would like to extend deep condolences to you and, through you to the Government and people of the Republic of South Africa, on the death of the great icon of African liberation, freedom fighter and the first President of a free, independent and democratic South Africa, Mr Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela on 5th December 2013.
“Mr Nelson Mandela’s renowned and illustrious political life will forever remain a beacon of excellence. Not only was he a great champion of the emancipation of the oppressed, but he also was a humble and compassionate leader who showed selfless dedication to the service of his people.
“We join the rest of the nation in mourning his departure. The late Nelson Mandela will forever remain in our minds as an unflinching fighter for justice.”
Mugabe though appears to have had a frosty relationship with Mandela. Only this year Mugabe slammed Mandela’s reconciliation policies, and labelled him “too much of a saint” in a television interview.
“Mandela has gone a bit too far in doing good to the non-black communities, really in some cases at the expense of [blacks]…,” Mugabe reportedly told talk show host Dali Tambo in an interview.
“That is being too saintly, too good, too much of a saint,” he said.
In July last year Mugabe brought his quiet feud with Mandela into the open, jealously claiming his coalition partner Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai had nothing to celebrate from being likened to the anti-apartheid icon.
There is also video footage in which Mandela in a meeting with French President Nicolas Sarkozy said that an increasingly unpopular President Robert Mugabe did not want him (Mandela) released from prison.
“Mr Nelson Mandela’s renowned and illustrious political life will forever remain a beacon of excellence” …. unlike mugabe.
unlike Mandell Mugabe does not and will never have a legacy, he will always be known as a terriost
Hypocrite shading crocodile tears! Kusanyara! kana ganda kumeso. Yes its true the dictator didn’t want Mandela released from prison – daylight wizadry. Imagine 24 hours without any condolences now echoing empty epithacy of condolences bringing shame to himself and the people of Zimbabwe. Hater of that which is good. True devil’s advocate who relishes on the suffering of his subjects. Even Zuma has become so naïve to embrace such garbage and to look into each other in the eyes without shame.Pervertors of evil.
Anyway Mugabe’s hatred of Mandela would NEVER take away Mandela worldwide glory but consolidate and show his [Mugabe) baseness and bigotry and devilish ways.Anyway Zimbabweans do not need Mugabe’s hollow speech to express how Zimbabweans truly and honestly loved Mandela. And only true and almost all Zimbabweans loved and revered and cherished Mandela as Tsvangirai on behalf of Zimbabweans has already spoken and delivered on behalf of Zimbabweans and Mugabe’s aftermath speech is just by hollow no matter how flowery his hypocritical words are.
Hahahaha. I suspect mugabe is going to spring a surprise to simply draw the attention away from Mandele. mugabe wants attention sechimwana chidiki. Saka apa ari kushukutika muchembere iyeye.
I said it yesterday.I will repeat it today.
Mugabe is no fool.He knew that haters wld b qik to scoff @ wateva stmt he issued.Damned if he did,damned if he didnt.Period.
one thing for sure cdes. Mandela openly denied that there is God. Mugabe believe that God is there. Mandela promoted satanism thru the rights of gays and lesbians ‘the sodom and gomora spirit’ and his 46664 ) movement. Mugabe hates gays with passion and he hates promiscuity, divorce but loves a marriage union. May someone Pliz tell me who is better.
Teacher 7, hating is no virtue. I don’t know how anyone can be considered better just because they hate gays. I wish Mugabe hated poverty instead. Then he would have uplifted Zimbabweans from poverty. His hatred of gays has not benefited us. Instead, millions have fled Zimbabwe for SA to escape poverty.
You mean being better at being evil to your own people?. Mugabe wins hands down. People are judged on deeds not fantasies,superstitions and beliefs
Mugabe hates promiscuity? My foot.
teacher 7 mandela is better by lightyears, ,,, mugabe is promiscious was cheating on his bedridden wife with a married woman, murdered 20000 ppl in mat & midlands & is married to a whore hure now he has destroyed a once beautiful country to a wasteland
Murimi wanhasi, you may not want to believe it but evidence abound, Mugabe is indeed a fool. Anyone who turns his country from a bread basket to a basket case is a fool. The fact that Mugabe is going to leave Zimbabweans worse off than he found them in 1980 makes him a fool, so does the fact that he murdered 20 000 of his own people.
Only a fool can turn a once squeaky clean country into one of the world’s top 20 most corrupt countries.
Only a fool runs down his own institutions so that he flies to foreign lands for medical treatment.
Only a fool is ashamed of the very universities for which he is chancellor so that his own children have to be educated abroad.
Murimi, even you have to admit that its foolish to by maize grown by the same people we drove off the land.
Lastly, only a fool waits 36 hours to issue a message of condolences following the death of a world icon. It took him just an hour to send his condolences over the death of Lord Soams in the 1980s. Lord Soams was British and white.
radadiso haudadisi sezita rako. mandela is no icon may be in the satanist realm. Mugabe anoshingirira kumira neshoko raMwari nehunhu.
Teacher 7, I responded to murimi’s assertion that mugabe is no fool. Mugabe’s record of blunders over his 33 years in power shows he is fool, whether you like it or not. As a Zimbabwean you definitely been at the receiving end of Mugabe’s foolishness. Consider the potholed roads for example. There wasn’t a single pot hole when he took over. He is a monumental failure.
And you may resent it all you want but Mandela was a global icon and the whole world is mourning his passing.
Mugabe has always been psychologically disturbed.comes from an inferiority complex.effeminate. Impotent. Vain. Puffed up. Racially challenged.boring by nature. Resentful.uncaring.basically a coward and terrorist. Mandela used to box as a sport. Madiba would have given his gay detractors a good hiding in the ring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There will be zero eulogies when the master criminal bites the dust
As I have said before, if you try to make Mugabe look better than Mandela, then youare mad or stupid
Rudadiso. Iyo ndiyo inonzi censure. Dai uri gweta mu court waibva wati; “I have no further use for this witness.”
Mandela was a real “big man”. Mugabe is a miniature imitation made of plastic in China
Ha ha,the bible says woe to him that make these children sin,now tel me,by alowing gays and lesbians and promoting such isnt it drivin your children into sin,though you say Mugabe is devil,doesnt he teach u morality,speaking agaisnt homosexuality,preaching unity in mariage,speakin agaisnt rape to mention but a few examples,nw tel food for thot,who is an icon?if u are satanic in heart u shal go after MANDELA of says dont cal anyone a fool,if u do so u are a big fool youself.ndatenda
I don’t think anyone will show up at Mugabes funeral when he goes as he is the exact opposite of Nelson Mandela
Views btwn thz two are centred on rlgious,cultural n political diffrences
It is difficult to think of any two figures in history who lived at the same time and were such opposites as Mandela and Mugabe.
Nhai Mugabe, ko magetsi,ko mvura. The worst fool to ever live on this earth.
Some say had Mandela stayed on as SA president he would have kept Mugabe in check – which is why Robert hates the noble man even in death. Remember the ‘little evil bishop’ statement? This evil bwidi hates good doers because the expose his evil deeds. As it happened, Mandela left after 5 years at the helm and along came he of the ‘quiet diplomacy, and Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma who, as SA Foreign minister, out did even Charamba and Jonathan in speaking on the side of Zanu. When Madhiba left, that was a good example to the likes of Mugabe to say ‘man, leave for others to take over’. Hinombava mhondi ingabva? Now he is setting up Mujuru to take over so that he can manipulate the puppet. Achafa rini?
Mugabe has failed in some areas but he succeeded in many areas and his failures will not erase his successes.mandela had his successes and he also had his failures.a lot of people will cry when he dies ,many will rejoice.zimbabwe is not a wasteland neither is south africa a paradise.remember in south africa u can be knifed and shot anytime but in zim mugabe made sure guns are not available to anyone like sweets.having yo birthday celebrated by holywood celebrities in new york does not make u a global hero.
Mugabe is a total failure in everything. I cannot see or think of any success to attribute to this gukurawundi, nothing at all.
Teacher 7, Mugabe hates every Zimbabwean regardless of their sexuality
A useless statement meant to ward off negative diplomatic implications between the two countries. Its not heartfelt, not at all.
Had Mandela been a Zimbabwean, like Mugabe did with Ndabaningi Sithole’s death, he would have said nothing and done nothing about it, because there wouldnt have been any diplomatic considerations to take into account!!
If i may 1st ask,What is Mandela’s legacy??
Wasn’t Mugabe also a saint up to the day he opposed the ideologies of the West? Anyone who stands against Euro-American bullying is a villain,but playing along their tune automatically qualifies you an international hero.. Mugabe stands for blackman emancipation the very reason why Mandela got 27yrs imprisonment..Being compliant to Euro-American way of thinkin has made Mandela a hero today and pliz note this Mugabe wont adhere to that,,thus forever hated by thoz who dont undastand him…BOB IS MY MAN
I love Mugabe and I respect the personality of the late Mr Mandela ,but I want to say to all of you guys that God love them both.These is not the right time to bring hate speeches.
Teacher 7 , please don’t say things you have no knowledge on. Mandela was a christian who went to the Methodist Church . there is nothing satanic about 46664, these are a series of AIDS charity events hosted by others in honour of Nelson Mandela, The significance of the number is 46664 was his prison identity , which i may ad he did not chose but was assigned to him when he was booked into prison. now be a good boy and go read a book and stop displaying your ignorance in public
Plz let the old man rest in peace
Ya’ll were still going to say a bunch of you know what if he hadnt shown up for the memorial…its hard making decisions that please everyone when you have no one to trust you know…im just saying…nothing personal…
Bob, you snivelling, thieving, little turd.
1. You have no right to speak “on behalf of the people of the Republic of Zimbabwe”.
2. You always were, and always will be, a political midget compared to Madiba.
3. You’re not worthy to lick his boots.
Too saintly? Maybe, but you’ve gotta learn people’s minds and cultures, do you think economy would for instance be the way it is now? There’s quote i can’t remember where i heard it from. ” a provoking: ‘What will you do?’ does not build a country “
I am a proudly South African and I love Zim and its people,I love Mugabe too.People of Zim it is not going to help you to hammer the old man but it is going to be a good use to help and promote the human king standard of living in Zim eg get involve in Zim govt programs in order to advance and develop the country,President Mugabe need your help guys.
People forget very easy what Robert Mugabe stand for
People forget very easy what Robert Mugabe stand for,Mugabe is a hero as well
VaMUGABE ndizvo ,zvinhu zvirikungo rambawo hazvo nekuda kwema sanctions,akaisirwa nekuda kwe stance yemukuru wedu kudzivirira kudzvanyirirwa kwedu nemabhunu iyezvino murikupihwa ivhu imi modzorerazve kuvarungu,shame nemi
commenting here is like answering a comprehension questions, people have different understanding so noone is wrong among u, if u are a fan of Pirates u don’t support chiefs which means pirates is always right.
His excellence president Mugabe is a true icon than the darling of the west mandela.i salute u Mugabe u are a true African leader nt a sellout m just sorry for my brothers n sistas who still in tha dark cnt c wat globalisation is doing to us they stiil bow down to the master wat a shame bt i don’t blame they think are educated bt they are not m proudly African n i will die grabbing my land