via China commits to funding Zim-Asset | The Herald | Zimbabwe Situation. 19 June 2014
China has reiterated its commitment to assist financially within the purview of the Zimbabwe Agenda for Sustainable Socio-Economic Transformation. In a meeting with Vice President Joice Mujuru in Harare yesterday, China’s Vice President Dr Li Yuanchao said Beijing wanted to see Zimbabwe prosper.
Dr Li met VP Mujuru during a stopover at the Harare International Airport en-route to Zambia for a four-day State visit.
At the airport he met VP Mujuru, Foreign Affairs Minister Simbarashe Mumbengegwi, Minister of State for Harare Province Miriam Chikukwa and Minister of State in the VP’s Office Sylvester Nguni.
An initial funding commitment for Zim-Asset was made by China’s Ambassador to Zimbabwe Mr Lin Lin last month when he said discussions for a financial package were underway.
“We are very proud to see your achievements and we will do our best for you to realise this feat,” said Dr Li.
“Our two countries enjoy very good relations, especially in terms of economic co-operation.”
Dr Li, who is also a member of the Politburo of the Communist Party of China, informed VP Mujuru that Beijing was preparing for President Mugabe’s visit to China later this year.
He described Zimbabwe as one of China’s best friends, adding that the CPC and Zanu-PF had a long-standing relationship dating back to the days of the liberation struggle.
Dr Li, who is leading a 21-member delegation including senior Chinese government CPC officials, said Zimbabwe was making strides on the economic front and Beijing was ready to assist in the area of training.
VP Mujuru said Zimbabwe was ready to work with China in implementing Zim-Asset.
“There is a lot that we feel China can also try to look at and work with us so that this blueprint becomes a reality because it is a programme that the generality of this country is looking forward to,” she said.
“For years since independence, we have been failing to deliver fully . . . yes we got the land, but the land has not given the full results which the Head of State and our party and his people are waiting to see.”
VP Mujuru said Zimbabwe appreciated China’s support during and after the liberation struggle.
After a brief closed session with her Chinese counterpart, VP Mujuru said Dr Li told him that a senior official would visit Zimbabwe in July.
She said detailed discussions would be held with the official pertaining to Zim-Asset funding, among other issues.
Absolute rubbish.
So how much are they going to give? No details means no deal.
Wishful thinking based on self deception. Nuts
“We are very proud to see your achievements and we will do our best for you to realise this feat,” said Dr Li Yuanchoa. Did he really say that?
Zimbabwe is asking for $27 billion – seven times the current Government revenue and three times the current national debt – to rebuilt its rotting and decaying economic infrastructure after decades of neglect. The country’s many roads will have to be ripped an laid afresh because they were not maintained properly costing billions of dollars if it was just maintaining them it would costing pittance.
How can anyone consider 34 years of mismanagement and corruption that has reduced a once prosperous economy to a sorry shadow of its former self an “achievement”. Unemployment has soared to nauseating height one has to go back to the 1940s to get a comparable number in full time employment.
Dr Li is talking just like EU Ambassador Aldo Del’Arricia who said there was no chaos in Zimbabwe. There must be something Zanu PF is doing to these foreigners that makes them hallucinate!
If Zimbabwe is as successful as Dr Li says it is then China will not need Zimbabwe to sign off its mineral rights as collateral security to the loans it is planning to give to Mugabe. Zimbabwe will simply refuse to repay this loan and claim its mineral wealth back!
they are probaly in cahoots with them with the diamond industry
Pretty easy talk, too good to be true.
“Making strides on the economic front?” – please show us where, we are desperate to see one example after 34 years of plunder, rape and destruction!
I smell a rat!!!!
So thats just great then – China are going to give us USD 30 billion to kick off ZIMASSET – what wonderful news to start the week end