via Tsvangirai’s address postponed to Thursday | SW Radio Africa by Tichaona Sibanda on Tuesday, January 21, 2014
MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai’s speech on the deepening political and economic problems facing the country has been postponed to Thursday.
The opposition leader deferred his alternative state of the nation address as a mark of respect to President Robert Mugabe, who lost his sister Bridget on Saturday, who died after a long illness. Tsvangirai on Monday sent his condolences to the first family, according to his spokesman Luke Tamborinyoka.
Once described as a jewel in Africa the country’s economy has undergone a meltdown in just under six months since ZANU PF won the elections, that the opposition claims were rigged.
The state of the economy that had improved during the period of the inclusive government has taken a knock again, amid fears ZANU PF cannot solve the crisis alone.
There won’t be much foreign aid to help ease the crisis as western donors and international financial institutions are yet to re-engage with the government following over a decade of hostilities.
Tsvangirai must tell us how he is going to deal with rigging….all other speeches are a waste of time
It makes me wonder what Churchill would have done. Would Winston Churchill have called off the raid on Dresden after one of Hitler’s relatives had died?
Morgan Tsvangirai, it is time for you to step down!
He will give a speech—for what reason.Hahaha I think that is useless.Why waste all the resources for a speech that will make no difference to the current economic situation in Zimbabwe. damn
Apparently it is said Africa will never develop due to it’s inability to work together.
This Tsvangirai you keep bashing, what has he ever done to you? Did he ever kill your granny, parent, child or relative. Now what do you say about “kadhara aka” 20,000 in Matebeleland alone; 50,000 during the war 1975 – 1979 alone (so called sellouts and witches). Then an additional 200,000 1990 – date through border jumping, poverty and lack of medical facilities and proper education. Iko goes to Singapore isu KuPari or Gomo! Bona to HongKong isu wedu kuEpworth. Nxaaaa!
I feel extreamly ashamed and let down, how many people died for Tsvangirai Aand the MDC in the early 2000’s….At the hands of Mugabe and Zanu-Pf. He Tsvangirai is a compleate sell out, Sold his soul to the devil for power and $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Tsvangirai has done it correct , this is the time for building our nation what Tsvangirai has done is humanity (ubuntu), we can oppose each other but if you have got brians functioning properly and when it comes to death then you must do exactly what Tsvangirai has done .Its not about revenging , its all about going forward , i am from Matebeleland and people must stop mixing up the issue of guguraundu with MDC T , ZANU PF must get the issue sorted out .
Godobori, Tsvangirai has done nothing about his supporters who have been beaten, raped and killed by Mugabe and worse still is he has always backed down at the 11th hour when he should have pushed ahead and made a change. eg 2008 & 2013 elections and then his last high court case on election fraud. He is trying to build a support – not retain – with these silly speeches which will have no impact at all. He thinks he can fool us but remember 3 months ago he gave a speech based on his visit to the grass root levels through the country then last week he gives a speech expressing dismay at matters after chatting to his mayors – didn’t he learn those issues when he did the country wide visits previous, obviously not. I bet you he did not even go out of his house but needed a story to justify his position as leader. He is a has been and I for one will not be reading anymore of his nonsense.
Any one got any ideas for leadership??? Better ideas??
Moyokumusha, who do you think you are to talk about Morgan like that, give him more credit than that, he probably lunched at state house and is on first name terms with bobby baboon. But I agree enough of his dusting the bull!! It’s about time we had a new true Zimbabwian leader, not these have been idiots.