via Biti: Grace’s power bid sheer madness 29/10/2014
SUGGESTIONS that Grace Mugabe could succeed her nonagenarian husband as Zimbabwe’s president are “madness”, the country’s former finance minister and opposition leader Tendai Biti said on Tuesday.
Biti – who served in a coalition government led by 90-year-old Robert Mugabe and is a leading member of a faction of the Movement for Democratic Change – said the First Lady’s ascent to power would be a “regression” even after years of crisis.
“That is actually total madness. You ruin, you mis-run the country for 34 years, and you expect your wife to be the next president?” Biti said during a trip to Johannesburg.
Grace Mugabe, 49, has shaken up the race to succeed her husband, who has ruled for close to 34 years since independence, by hinting she could run for higher office, and lashing out at possible rivals.
Biti said the secretary-turned-first-lady would be “even worse” than her controversial husband, who, since coming to power in 1980, has presided over a prolonged economic crisis and rights abuses.
“At least Mugabe’s generation had liberation credentials, he had some umbilical cord to the liberation struggle” to free Zimbabwe from British colonial rule, Biti said.
“Now you’re trying to create a dynasty with no value, no claim, so it’s even worse, so Zimbabwe is actually going in a regression.”
Where and when the President say he wants his wife to succeed him . Kana Mashaya zvekuita nyararai. What if ZANU PF says Grace is their candidate for 2018 who are you to say no. They want her as President and they go to elections and she wins who are you to say she cannot be.
Musa unosemesa, ndandisingafungi kuti kuchine vanhu vanofunga sewe mukore uno. chero Zau=nu ikati Grace haafi akava president wenyika kwake kusada kusiya state house. actually takamirira kubva kwemurume wacho kuti titore minda yaaitorera vanhu. munhu asina moyo munosvodesa mofunga nyika I kitchen yambuya venyu.
The end of the world is so close that we cant grasp it.may god open our minds