Good God, it works!

via Good God, it works! 27 December 2014

A Professor at one of the great English Universities became a Christian late in life and subsequently wrote a book with the above title. C S Lewis, also a late convert to Christianity recorded his story in the book “Surprised by Joy”. Christians, almost alone in the world of faith, sing and almost always it is personal and reflects the nature and content of their faith.

Man is incurably religious and only a small minority are really indifferent or truly agnostic or atheist. Yet mankind’s greatest tragedies and triumphs are most often founded on religion in one form or another. Throughout history we have slaughtered each other in the name of faith in some form of deity and the variety of faith based organisations seems endless – where do we find the truth?

When we take faith out of the equation we create monsters – Hegel, teaching at a small University in Germany and never to more than a handful of students evolved the idea of a closed, self contained Universe where humanity evolves physically and socially within a series of cycles that sees mankind evolving into ever higher forms of social and political life. Marxism was the result and the great leaders that founded their empires on such ideas in the Soviet Union and China as well as National Socialism in Nazi Germany, created political regimes that perhaps killed more people than any other system in the long history of mankind on earth.

But even systems that seem to put God at the centre, like the radical Islamists, seem to create societies that are cruel and homophobic in the extreme. The images coming out of the new Sultanate in Iraq and Syria are not pretty, the attacks on women and girls and against all forms of modern education in North Africa are just as radical and extreme.

Then along comes Christmas or “Xmas” and you have to fight your way though a whole mountain of simplistic, shallow “Christianity” which bears little resemblance to the real thing. If the religious aspects of Christmas do not overwhelm you, the commercial aspects will probably do it for you. Man sees a good thing and decides that this is a great opportunity to throw a party and celebrate; who cares if no one at the party really knows what it is all about.

I grew up in a family where religion played little or no role. Although my father came from a long line of Baptists and we can trace our family back to the early Christians in Scotland over a thousand years ago, we never attended Church or practiced any sort of religion at home. When I was just 18 years old I stumbled over Christianity and found faith. It was a life changing experience and like C S Lewis and fellow English academic, I found myself surprised by the real experience of a living faith in God through Christ.

I have now been an active, practicing Christian for 57 years and often wonder why something so simple, so universal and real in life does not sweep the world and assume ascendency. I shared my faith with an outstanding economist and friend in Europe, Jacques Bellay and he roared with laughter and said “Eddie, you should be in a glass case in a museum”. He was French and they are perhaps the most godless people on earth.

In Africa that is not our problem. Agnosticism and atheism are virtually unknown. In fact if you expressed such views most people would dismiss them as being nonsensical – of course God exists, they would think, we see that every day in all our lives, everywhere. So Africa is a religious haven and in Zimbabwe today I would estimate that over 80 per cent of our population would claim to be “Christian”. Churches are packed to the doors and the one vocation that seems impervious to the machinations of our economy is being a Pastor in one of our new Mega Churches.

But increasingly I am driven back onto the fundamental principles of life on this tiny, lonely planet floating in an endless Universe. What is the life force that makes us living, thinking, acting human beings? Where does it come from and does it preexist and carry on after we die? Like electricity running through a wire, we use it every day, it’s part of our lives and we often take it for granted, but we have no idea as to what it really is, only that it does “stuff” in machines and appliances (and human beings) when turned on.

Then there are the consequences of our world view. If we think that the Universe is a closed system, self generating and evolving over time, then mankind is just another feature of this marvelous system and there is no basis on which we can hold to any fundamental principles or moral anchors. Everything is relative and nothing is prescriptive. If we agree, anything goes. If we are evolving through time then it’s possible to think of higher and lower forms of life – the one more “advanced” than the other.

In this amorphous sea of relativism and evolution there can be no fundamental moral or legal principles and our approach to the value and worth of human kind would be totally subjective. Racism would be OK, Hitler was right, the Aryans are more advanced and all forms of “inferior” humanity should be wiped out, the holocaust involving 6 million people of Jewish extraction and many more millions of Gypsies, mentally and physically limited people, was not a crime against humanity, but a justifiable act to rid the world of undesirables.

If on the other hand our world view includes a Universe that is open to a Higher Being who is outside of time and space and justifies the description of “God”, then a whole raft of consequences follow. How can we “know” that being, what does he stand for and what are the consequences of disobedience? Christianity has all the answers to those questions and the application of those principles to life on earth, while not yielding an earthly paradise, does bring freedom, human progress, human rights, dignity and value to human life in all its forms as well as equality between all the many different types and categories of the human species.

All religions claim this for themselves. But when I look at the consequences of the application of their version of the truth, I see many radical shortcomings. The Biblical injunction that we “shall know them by the fruit of their lives” seems to me to be eternally true. Islam with its discrimination against women and girls, it’s totally subjective application of its law and their freedom to interpret the law in their own way to the detriment of all others, just seems to rule it out as any system of true truth.

One could say the same of all other varieties of religious belief – judged by their fruits they fail the test of veracity. That is not Christian arrogance, it’s simply an observation based on historical and other facts about the life of humanity on planet earth. We are all free to hold to whatever opinions that we are committed to but we must also learn to judge those views and beliefs by the consequences.


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    universal 9 years ago

    religion is man’s creation in his quest of knowledge to understand the universe.why l say so
    all religions rest in one place the all powerful being.(God,Allah,Jah etc)
    religions follows man’s nature or characteristics it not universally applicable like birth ,death
    all mankind recognizes the existence of powerful force than man that they

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      Reverend 9 years ago

      universal … try writing the Holy Bible and get all the prophecies and miracles in order and correct..I dare you…but just read it would be good enough.Its not about religeon it is about a relationship with the creator Jesus Christ.

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    MSHUMAYELI 9 years ago

    Thought provoking article – “Everything is relative and nothing is prescriptive”

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    Reverend 9 years ago

    Interesting article Eddie, But I think you have purposely cooled the article down to be acceptable to most.
    Something I realized while watching a debate between atheists and Christians is that there is a fundamental unexplainable difference between the two groups and that is the presence of the Holy Spirit,and the personal experience of Christ that a born again Christian has of the reality of the living God, and in many discussions and debates the atheist has the privilege and freedom to totally and arrogantly deny the existence of the Living God, and in many instances showing contempt and and even hatred of God and the Christian debaters. Atheists do not realise that they actually need more faith to believe in “the big bang theory” than I need to believe in Christ. Atheism is a “faith” because there is less conclusive evidence to prove it than Christianity.
    This also goes for the “cults” that have twisted and changed the Word of God, and do not allow their followers to research their doctrines for fear of finding out the truth, plus those who have written their ‘own book’ which has authority over the Word of God. I have spoken to many of such people and it is so sad that on the written truth through the scriptures where these people can only say “I can not answer or explain that”, they do not even consider research of their error but continue on a path of destruction because they are afraid of being fingered apostate and disfellowshiped by their ‘governing body’! Man has more power over them than the Living Word of Scripture!

    Sadly we find a very similar situation in denominations that use the title of “Christian” who continue along a path of family denomination where people get lulled into a false sense of security that because they are brought up as a particular denomination that they are “OK”, which is in itself a path to destruction, and of course Christianity in its deeper meaning is NOT a religion but a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ…Emmanuel…God with us. This is where it seems that both you and I hail from, and I was brought up Anglican which is historically not in the least evangelical like the Bappies under which ministry I found Christ, and I certainly thought I was OK, until Christ showed me I am “fearfully and wonderfully made”.
    I find it difficult to agree with you on the figure of 80% Christian in this country though I do believe that in the past 20 years the true Christian belief as the Holy Bible teaches has increased many fold, but the cults and religions of man are horrendous to say the least. I have studied some of these “religions” and they are totally one man bands like the ZCC, Vapostorie, Johane Masowe, which fall in line with the Jehova Witness’s Mormons and others that were started by individuals, and who did extremely well in their lifetimes through these cults.Take for instance the late Samuel Mutendi who has passed his millions onto his two sons Nehemiah and Ruben.People of immense wealth through the demanded fund of followers.

    Then you go into the apparent “prophets” who have coined it as you mention through the vast followings of people who are looking for anything to help them through the holocaust Mugabe and his cohorts have left this country. These poor people paying money they cannot afford in hope of finding a $50 bill in their pockets like the planted partisans do around the congregation as God is blasphemed into being some sort of magician, to the likes of the very irreverent T. B. Joshua and his harem.

    If Adam had not listened to Eve and not eaten the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, then I would have done it, and if Abraham had not slept with Hagar because Sarah told him to then we would not have had the Islamic problems like Isis, AL-Qaeda, the Taliban and hundreds of other murdering groups of Islamic terrorists and suicide bombers all wanting their 72 virgins. The consequences of sin is serious and all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, there are none righteous not one….but Christ has made a way, and thousands upon thousands of Muslims are finding Christ today and are prepared to die for Christ.

    Yes there are a good number of God fearing men and women in ministry in Zimbabwe and I pray the true church that worships Christ and not man will “Come out of her My people”. We are certainly in Revelation times and people must call out to Christ now. He said “I am the Way the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father but through Me.”