My children are party animals: Mugabe

via My children are party animals: Mugabe – Nehanda Radio Mar 8, 2015

ZIBAGWE – President Robert Mugabe has openly admitted having problems with his children whom he said were party crazy and lacked basic self-survival skills.

Addressing thousands of Zanu PF supporters who gathered at Chinyika Ranch in Zibagwe-Chirumanzu constituency on Friday to witness the official opening of chrome smelting company Africa Chrome Fields (ACF), Mugabe also revealed that First Lady Grace Mugabe was still unwell following a minor appendicitis operation in December last year.

“Our children especially in the urban areas lack the basic skills of tending to the garden, knitting or any skills related to using their hands. All they want is go to parties and use electronic gadgets to communicate with friends… They have lots of friends on these gadgets. I see this even with my own children at home,” said Mugabe.

Mugabe’s two sons Robert and Chatunga have in the past been featured on international online reports as partying animals, allegedly smoking and drinking alcohol while spending good times with lots of friends of both sexes.

The 91-year-old leader blamed such delinquent behaviour on schools, which he said were now more interested in educational excellence and forgetting to infuse psychomotor training for the children.

“They think that educational achievements are all the children have to achieve and forget the core values of our heritage, a tradition which we grew up immersed with. We could farm, our sisters and mothers were taught how to knit and do work that involves their hands; not today’s training. That kind of life which our kids follow today is rotten,” Mugabe said.

In apparent contradiction to the stance taken by his minister of Education, Lazarus Dokora, Mugabe said while the use of mobile phones and other digital devices was welcome, the gadgets were dangerous to the young generation, especially in schools.

Mugabe also warned against the abuse of the internet and social networks by children and youths, saying technology should not be used to insult and ridicule others.

“We should stop going on internet to ridicule and slander others, it appears we are just bent on using technology to spread rumours and lies. That is a bad habit and it should be stopped,” he said.

Mugabe himself has been a victim of social media ridicule with many attacks directed at his family.

Mugabe said the abuse of the internet and the loss of values in children of today needed to be corrected before it went out of hand.

“We need to correct these things,” he said.

Mugabe said his wife Grace was still unwell following her operation in Singapore to remove her infected appendix and would need up to four months before she could recover fully.

“Amai Stop It, vakambonzi stop it nechirwere, she is now recovering but is not yet fully fit. She still needs some time to recover before she can be back to her old self again,” said Mugabe who landed in Zibagwe with four helicopters. Standard


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    Doris 10 years ago

    Well what do u expect? All the money in the world. They don’t have to do a days job of work ever.
    Not like the rest of us…..if you’re lucky, you might have a job that pays a pittance

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    Fundani Moyo 10 years ago

    He speaks sense here, however there is duplicity in what he says and what he practices. True, today’s youth have a terrible deficit in survival skills. While schools are failing on their part, parents should take the larger share of the blame. People think it’s “cute” when their children cannot even wash dishes at home. That is why the youth support any party that promises them freebies! They do not see anything wrong with grabbing what they have not worked for,, thanks to ZANU PF instilled culture.

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    Rwendo 10 years ago

    “We should stop going on internet to ridicule and slander others, it appears we are just bent on using technology to spread rumours and lies. That is a bad habit and it should be stopped,” he said.

    Is this the man who (more recently ably accompanied by his ..wife) has become renown for ridicule, slander and lies when attacking opponents from Blair to Obama, Makoni to Tsvangirai, mai Mujuru to Mutasa?

    Presumably it is OK to compare people to donkeys and accuse others of strip-witchcraft and assassination plots as long as it is done at ZANY PF rallies and not on Facebook.

    Mamemes aya akarwadza, nhaika vashe?

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    Victor Nqoba Mageza 10 years ago

    Like father like children. Mugabe and Grace’s children are 100% spoiled and out of control. They think Zimbabwe is a PVT owned company, which has a 100% Mugabe/Grace shares for 35 years and beyond.
    Robert Mugabe himself has zero/zip humanity and Africa cultural tools of hands off when its time. Not till you drop dead from the international airline’s airport in front of the global world.

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    stone age child 10 years ago

    Yes. Great ,great ..grandfather. When you were a teen, a young man in the late 1930 ‘s, there were no stupid things like , internet,smart phones, facebook,google,twitter,wikipedia ….and so on.So please ban these 21 St. century technologies. (at least in Zimbabwe) so that we boys and girls can live in the good old times. Tichi fudza mombe,collecting firewood,fetching water from the nearest tsime and hoping to see the boy/girl from the next kraal, who smiled so nicely at the water hole.

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    Petal 10 years ago

    The geriatric’s children are just spoiled brats everything at their disposal while others struggle