Ziso wins against Chombo

via Ziso wins against Chombo – The Zimbabwean 9 June 2015

The High Court of Zimbabwe today heard an urgent application between the Zimbabwe Informal Sector`s Organization (ZISO) and three respondents, namely

1. Minister of Local Government , Public Works and Urban Development

2. Minister of Defense, and

3. The Mayor of the City of Harare

The court ordered (by consent) that:

4. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd respondents be interdicted from evicting the applicant`s legal members from their designated vending sites without due process.

5. The 2nd respondent shall ensure that the Defense Forces of Zimbabwe and the Joint Operations Command (JOC) refrain from participating in the civic duties of the 1st and 3rd respondents


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    kalulu 9 years ago

    This is a refreshing development from our Judiciary, if only they could do so more regularly.