Who is Who in Zimbabwe: Barnabas Thondhlana

via Who is Who in Zimbabwe: Barnabas Thondhlana — Nehanda Radio  NOVEMBER 27, 2013 

Barnabas Thondhlana has been involved in the media for the past 24 years and has been a champion of the independent media in Zimbabwe. He has worked for the Financial Gazette, The Zimbabwe Independent and the Daily News, among other publications.

He has been instrumental in the formation and subsequent success of seed newspaper projects, namely the Zimbabwe Independent in 1996 where he was the founding News Editor; the Daily News in 1998 as Founding News Editor; The Daily News on Sunday in 2001 where he was the Founding Editor; Newsday where he worked as the Founding Consulting Editor, The Mail where he was the Founding Executive Editor, and lately The Observer where he is the Publisher and Editor.

Thondhlana has also worked for international media houses, among them Dow Jones and Bloomberg Newswires as their Zimbabwe Correspondent. He is also a Media Trainer in Zimbabwe and the southern African region, concentrating on Investigative Journalism, Financial and business Reporting and Introduction to Journalism.

He holds an MA in Media and Communications Studies (UK); BSc (Hons) Psychology (Zim) and a Dip in Journalism (Zim).

You can follow Barnabas Thondhlana on twitter: @barnabast



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    Revenger-avenger 11 years ago

    Barnabus. Bright future ahead. You put that crooked inept puffed up charlatans charamba mandiwanzira moyo to utter shame.

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    Jenandebvu 11 years ago

    Zviuya zviri mberi Thodz