via Zanu PF has failed: Zapu – DailyNews Live by Jeffrey Muvundusi 9 FEBRUARY 2014
The Dumiso Dabengwa- led Zapu says Zanu PF should admit failure in their governing strategies which has seen the country sliding back to the 2008 era where the economy was totally grounded.
Zapu alternate secretary-general Strike Mkandla told the Daily News on Sunday that the terrain has proved to be tough under President Robert Mugabe led government.
“We all thought our economy had recovered during the inclusive government era, but all we are seeing now are signs of further decay of our economic situation,” Mkandla said.
“I am astounded that the stability that we enjoyed soon after we launched the multi-currency regime does not seem to hold anymore.
“Now we don’t even know where Zanu PF is taking us with this liquidity challenge we are facing,” he said.
With clear reference to the Zanu PF economic blueprint, the ZimAsset, Zapu believes the former
revolutionary party has truly run out of ideas in their bid to turn around the country’s economic fortunes.
“After 33 years, they are yet to convince us that they have something new as they want us to believe.
“In their document, they call ZimAsset, there is nothing remarkable about it that I can remember.
Actually, we still have a plethora of old issues that were just brought back in new words. The document is just recast in a new formal way and they have not made any significant departures from what we know,” Mkandla said.
Mkandla described the economic blueprint as a not-so-practical idea.
“If this document was practical we couldn’t be seeing all these issues about factories closing, thousands of youths unemployed, the liquidity crunch gaining momentum and even this salary craziness. Besides we are not seeing how the Marange diamonds are helping us,” he said.
Political analysts have previously described the blueprint as nothing but a political tool which was largely used in the Zanu PF campaign manifesto in the July 31 2013 harmonised elections.
Going under the theme “Towards an empowered society and a growing economy, from October 2013 to December 2018” nothing on the ground suggest inroads made to address the mentioned issues.
On the current topical issue now dubbed the salary gate, Mkandla feels these are just symptoms of an entire corrupt government.
“This salary issue is quite an alarming thing that speaks volumes of the state of affairs in our government. It shows lack of proper oversight on the parastatals from the powers that be.
“To prove that, we do not hear of any heads rolling which speaks a lot about the nature of people in charge,” he said.
Mkandla said it was unfortunate that some parastatals have gone for months without paying their employees, yet ministers in charge of those institutions were doing nothing to resolve the issue.
ZANU-PF is a snake.
Cut off the head and the body will die.
Until Zimbabwe is rid of this snake it simply CANNOT prosper.
But ZAPU YOU WERE IN GOVERNMENT ONCE UPON A TIME YET YOU KEPT QUIET. Now you talk. These are things we knew were happening years ago and you knew to so dont play innocent .
The fact remains. Playing the “blame game” doesn’t solve anything.
The present government is rotten to the core, and must go before there can be any progress.
Hopefully they will go to jail to set an example….
But Mr Nyoni why do you talk as if you don’t know this ZANU pf animal. Even if people tell them where they are wrong they don’t listern. In the gvt or not they are defiant. These people do what they want with this country. The only solution is for ZANU pf to step down and we start afresh with a new party.
ZAPU how dare you now try and point fingers when you were once very much part of the Government and contributed towards our current state of affairs. Your voice is therefore worthless and meaningless and not something anyone will take seriously anymore.
Like the former colonials your support comes from a minority tribe that bears serious scars for war crimes against the mZezuru people.
Be warned.
Ephraim Gumbo you are idiot. Why do you dwell on this yesterday colonial and precolonial mentality. We as Zimbabweans we must move on and tackle our problems with one voice against our common enemy. This zezuru talking is hogwash and come from people like you who have destroyed our beautiful country. It shows you are one of them. But be reminded. Under Iran Douglas Smith life was even better than life under Robert Gabriel Mugabe regime. Like it or not that is the truth.
nesbert majoni
There is Shona tribalism in Zimbabwe, its pervasive; how can we be one?
How can we speak with one voice when there is mwanawekumusha and amutongi nyika yedhu, muri madeputy edhu????????
Ephraim Gumbo
ZAPU joined the gukurahundi government under duress – at gun point. Had there been no gukurahundi in the 1980s, ZAPU would have never been part of that despicable gukurahundi government.
ZAPU did not have much influence in that union – many of the agreed issues as per the December 1987 Gukurahundi Unity Agreement were never implemented. This is why ZAPU eventually pulled out. So, what exactly do you expect them to have done when they simply couldnt get the gukurahundis to implement the 1987 gukurhundi unity accord?
Ephraim Gumbo
ZAPU joined the gukurahundi government under duress – at gun point. Had there been no gukurahundi in the 1980s, ZAPU would have never been part of that despicable gukurahundi government.
ZAPU did not have much influence in that union – many of the agreed issues as per the December 1987 Gukurahundi Unity Agreement were never implemented. This is why ZAPU eventually pulled out.
So, what exactly do you expect them to have done when they simply couldnt get the gukurahundis to implement the 1987 gukurhundi unity accord?
Is there even one person in this country who is uncoruptable to the point that they can rule Zimbabwe without being sucked into the vortex of the love of money to lead this country for love of the people??? MMMM I wonder?
Economically? Hm, Ian Smith was the only one I can recall. Unfortunately, some of his politics and policies soiled his legacy.
Maybe in the future Dabengwa, Paul Siwela, or Roy Bennett. Possibly Simba Makoni. Hard to say, but definitely not Bob and not Morgan. They have both been awful.
MMMM I wonder? There is perhaps one such but you, collectively, must think long and hard as to his (first clue) identity. For sure, mugabe wouldn’t like it one bit (second clue) and you would have to convince him, which I doubt would be difficult, to return to the land of his birth (third clue).
MMM, I think you are right, but pigmentation or the lack of it may be a small problem.
Do not blame them its time to open to there eyes.
Let us deal with facts my countrymen and women, the current ZAPU-Dabengwa showed some resistance by pulling out of ZANU-PF when Mr Dabengwa refused to support farm invasion during his time as the minister of Home Affairs.This action showed that the man had foresight but some of you now writing in this media supported the poor method of land seizures.I do not belong to any party but I recommend those who have foresight in their manifesto but the problem with Dabengwa ZAPU is that they have been so silent for too long.This party has the potential to become a very effective opposition if they really want to.They should wake up and unite the people by making coalitions with Makoni and others who are reputable to avoid cheap tribal alignment.The problem is that none of our current politicians are clean from corruption but some have lesser cases of looting and corruption.
The current opposition has been seriously compromised beyond repair.The ruling party is more scared of this ZAPU than the current destroyed opposition party thus why they make moves to try and swallow it using funny tricks.In politics you must have foresight to outwit your opponent without using real violence.
Stop using old tribal issues because they take us nowhere in this modern world.Do not use old cheap tribal thinking to justify current evils in society.Grow up and move on in life.The minority group are also Zimbabweans with the same voice like the majority.One man one vote NOT one majority TWO votes BUT ONE.We are equal when we cast our votes.
Mixed Race
“…a coalition with Makoni in order to avoid tribal alignment”
What are you saying? You should unite or align on policy issues. This thing of getting together in order to pretend you are one from an ethnic point of view is nonsensical.
The tribal problem in Zim politics is a Shona problem – they should deal with it and sort it out. Its them who have a problem. The rest of us, especially in Mthwakazi don’t have a problem.
This is why we vote for any party, and any leader regardless of race or tribe. We are found in all Zimbabwean political parties, regardless of the race or tribe of their leaders.
The boll is in courts of the Shona people, NOT with us!!
Gukurahundis should account for the gukurahundism that has destroyed Zim.
No country can prosper amid gukurahundism. The reason why there are no demonstrations or service delivery protests in Zim, like you find in South Africa is because of gukurahundism – its not because Zimbabweans are a peaceful lot.
Gukurahundism by its very nature is intolerant of criticism; its dictatorial and ready to kill. Its a one-man, one party philosophy.
Where there is a lack of freedoms because of gukurahundism, those in power do as they please and in the end THINGS FALL APART!!
Let’s just hope that the next government permits devolution, leading to a full referendum and then, God-willing Independence.
If hope is all you are going to do then you are going to hope for next 100 years and beyond.!!!!! under the same government.
If you are offering military training, arms and logistical support then I am all ears! 🙂
The problem is that no one will give us this.
It is their culture, from head to toe!
VIVA ZAPU kaMqabuko. They thought they had killed the bull but the Black Bull has again. Long live the great spirit of Nyongolo! Bazonya!
ZANU-PF HAS FAILED !!! WHAT A GROSS UNDERSTATEMENT. I,for one, knew that it would fail 30 years ago.