via Zanu-PF mobilising US$3m for conference | The Herald November 1, 2013 by Hebert Zharare
Zanu-PF is mobilising over US$3 million to fund its 14th Annual National People’s Conference to be held in Chinhoyi from December 10 and 15 this year, the party’s secretary for administration, Cde Didymus Mutasa, said yesterday. He said the party had also moved the conference venue to Chinhoyi University of Technology grounds.
Initially the party had planned to construct its multimillion dollar conference centre in Chinhoyi before December.
Cde Mutasa said tents would be pitched up at CUT after realising that the host province could not complete the construction work on time.
“We are still working on the budget but judging from previous budgets and projections, we are looking at the region of over US$3 million,” he said.
“We are appealing to some corporates and party members to assist us mobilise the money.
“We expect members to contribute more.
“For example, members of the executive should contribute US$200 each and we will disclose how much members of the Politburo and Central Committee are expected to contribute.”
Cde Mutasa said the party had tasked all the provinces to raise at least US$50 000 or more towards hosting of the conference.
Zanu-PF is yet to come up with this year’s conference theme.
Last year’s conference, which was held in Gweru, had a theme: “Indigenise, Empower, Develop and Create Employment.”
This became the theme of the party’s campaign for the harmonised elections held on July 31.
In its manifesto that won hearts of many Zimbabweans, who gave the party a fresh mandate to administer the country, Zanu-PF promised to create 2 265 million jobs in the next five years.
This would be part of the revolutionary party’s efforts to rebuild the economy that was battered by a decade of illegal sanctions imposed at the behest of the MDC formations.
According to the Zanu-PF manifesto, the country lost an accumulative US$42 billion through the illegal sanctions-induced economic hardships.
Besides spearheading a successful land reform that has benefited 976 500 people under (A1 scheme) and 113 802 (A2), so far 59 community share ownership schemes have been launched countrywide that have transformed lives of previously marginalised villagers.
It is against this background that Cde Mutasa said Zanu-PF expected contribution from its members, some of whom have been assisted to break new ground and become successful businesspeople by the revolutionary party.
“It is our hope that the party will receive a lot of assistance from its members and other people it has assisted to become successful businesspeople,” he said.
Commenting on the ongoing provincial elections, Cde Mutasa said the party was confident of completing the exercise before the December conference.
“I believe by mid this month we will be done with all the provinces.
“We have conducted elections in Manicaland, the Midlands and in Mashonaland West the elections were deferred. As for the timelines for the other provinces, the commissar (Cde Webster Shamu) will be in a position to tell the correct position,” he said.
This conference is critical to Zanu-PF as it comes after the party’s crushing victory against the MDC formations in the recent elections.
President Mugabe garnered 2 110 434 (61,09 percent) of the vote, Mr Morgan Tsvangirai 1 172 349 (33,94 percent), Professor Welshman Ncube 92 637 (2,68 percent), Mr Dumiso Dabengwa 25 416 (0,74 percent) and Mr Kisinoti Mukwazhe 9 931 (0,29 percent).
Zanu-PF won overwhelmingly in the National Assembly, gaining 197 seats after factoring in 60 women elected by proportional representation, while MDC-T has 70, MDC two with one independent.
Nxa, did you notice that there are two out of ten provinces that are non-compliant?These two should either be struck off or renamed. They are Bulawayo and Harare. Two black sheep in the flock. Every other Province starts with ‘M’, yet these two have the audecity to be anomolous. Nxa. Cdes, this year’s conference theme should be centred around dealing with these two. You know very well the people’s party did not fare well in these two provinces of Diabolos in the recently concluded, harmonised, free and fair Nikuvless elections in which the people’s party romped to a landslide victory never ever seen in this whole wide world.But, isn’t it writen somewhere that “mbiriso shoma inovidza muviri wose?/ Little leaven maketh bad the whole bread?” “Therefore, leave the leaven of old …/ bvisai mbiriso yakare…” There, I have given you a clue about the upcoming conference’s theme. It is about deporting two certain provinces out of this people’s party’s God-given country.Cart them off and dumb them into the pacific or Indian- let the people decide at provincial level which ocean’s mermaids deserve the right to co-habit with renegades. But just to wind up, let all party cadres devot their minds to crafting suitable phrasing depicting the final punishment of these twin cities of Babylon. I suggest fine lines like “… Fallen is Babylon the Great…” or “…Little leaven…”to sanctify the imminent punishment,and show the entire world God in heaven does not approve of dissonance, Diabolos and the fruits of his unholly schemes.
See you at the conference,
But… just make sure legitimate members are fully paid up members. Is it also not writen somewhere that “It is more blessed to give than to receive from the people’s beloved party…?”
Interesting that a ZANUPF supporter should be quoting scripture… just seems ironic, that’s all.
How about this… finish up on last year’s theme of “jobs”… with 85% unemployment! just seems like unfinished business. I mean, like last year unemployment was 75%… so you added only another 10% to the unemployment rolls. You figure that’s progress? What’s your plan?
Ya need funds for the conference… here’s a plan… track down all that diamond money, and you’ll have your paltry US$3M.
While you’re at it, announce your needs to all those who are looking for any source of mealie, and see what you get. Perhaps the chefs and headmen who frogmarched their villagers to the polls would help. I might suggest you not go alone.
Yeah, those blasted voters in Harare and Bulawayo… how dare they use their vote to speak against oppression. The audacity… the ungrateful twerps…! How can they not see that ZANUPF has destroyed the economy for the good of the people? Send the 5th Brigade… again..!!!
Disgusting bun fight. Donkeys you must use this stolen 3 million to pay satas white farmers for maize imports
Did you zanoids read this? “3 000 Pupils Drop Out Of School As Hunger Bites”
This is the same as “fiddling while Rome is burning” but you morons could never understand that, you will still waste that $3mil on your sadza snakes!
Please note that Mr Mutasa has said he will solicit money from those who have been made successful by Zanu pf. That discounts a hell lot of us normal Zimbos. If it was a real people’s party just $1 dollar from its “successful” citizenry wold nt be so hard to raise, wouldnt it?