via Zimbabwe in paralysis, says Tsvangirai November 19, 2013 by Moses Matenga NewsDay
MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai yesterday said Zimbabwe was in a serious state of paralysis and could plunge into turmoil as Zanu PF was clueless on how to move the country forward.
Tsvangirai told party supporters in Kuwadzana last night that Zanu PF’s failure to address the challenges was evident through unavailability of money in banks, shortage of electricity, water and a litany of other challenges.
“The Zanu PF government is failing to address the challenges. What is needed is a government to move this country from this paralysis caused by Zanu PF. They can’t do anything. They are clueless,” the MDC-T leader said.
“We have a crisis of legitimacy, a crisis caused by a cheated election. There is no money, there is no electricity, no water and this crisis will continue because Zanu PF has no strategy.”
Tsvangirai, who is regrouping and rallying his troops after the July 31 election defeat, said there was still hope for Zimbabwe if an election under a non-partisan commission was undertaken.
He was accompanied by the party leadership including his deputy Thokozani Khupe, secretary general Tendai Biti, organising secretary Nelson Chamisa and spokesperson Douglas Mwonzora, among others.
Tsvangirai dug into Zanu PF infighting saying it was a reflection of a party in chaos.
Turning to his own party,Tsvangirai said there was need for unity among the leadership to achieve their common goal of dethroning Zanu PF and move the country forward.
He warned that Zimbabwe could slide back into the 2008 crisis if nothing is done.
Zanu PF is reeling in crisis as reflected by Finance minister Patrick Chinamasa’s delay of the presentation of the 2014 national budget to allow “further consultation”.
The ruling party is also faced with serious infighting threatening to tear it apart.
Neither zanu nor mdc has a solution to the problem of the country. Zanu is truggling to mend the economy and mdc is blowing the vuvuzela in celebration. Zanu is saying handiende and mdc is saying ukasaenda zimbabwe must crash until mdc gets the power. So heavenly father give us another option not these two camps. We are now tired. For how long? We need someone who love our resourceful country, someons who brings hope to us not dispair. We have been failed enough by these two institutes of distruction.
@Africanson, how can MDC have a solution when they are not in power. True, God can only inspire the leadership if they believe and have faith in Him.
Maybe ZUNDE is the option see
@ZUNDE : If my reading about ZUNDE is correct, it’s not a political party.
Multiparty systems gives citizens the choice to choose their candidates. I for one would choose any body irrespective of race creed or religion who would do the job to improve the lot of all Zimbabweans!!
African son, my boy! What role do you want MDC to play, to sweat as they did in the GNU when all the credit goes to Mugabe…..they must fold hands now, n let the country prove ZPF is unable. When they get their turn, they ll demostrate capacity to lead
@ Zunde, mave vangani manje? 30 chii? Murikuuya nazvo, munyanyotamire pama rally eMDC you ll not get more ignorant people to join you. Saka Watchtower Christians would do it from the street n not from the temples/synagogue…..they want to tap into those vasingazivi Mwari zvachose, womu introducer kunavamwari
Maiti zvinogumira pamaElections here ZPF should face the reality. They promised to sold the problems now lets see “U can rig election not the economy”
Zim is in this situation because of you idiot!! You know that Simba prevented you to be presendent in 2008, now you were going around campaigning with him for what??You were suppose to keep the eye on the ball now they rigged the vote under your nose. You should be going around apologising to people for being fool! What plan can you bring for the people when you no longer in the government?
Thank you Odessa-you are right on the ball!
Pataitamba spot the difference mu Parade magazine vanhu mese manga muripi. Well Tsvangison participated in governement with his crew and there was 7% yearly economic growth, a new constitution, finality to land issue. How else do you judge the success of any politician in government. Do we judge them by the number of insults they impart to other fellow Zimbos, or the West? Cant we simply conclude that the economy is in trouble because people do not have faith in the abilities of ZPF to solve and manage the economy. There is so much coincidence, when the MDC came into the GNU a lot improvements happened in our economy 7% per annum growth, and now they are not in government the economy is now limping with cancer. It maybe coincidence but statistically I would say a lot has to do with the presence of the MDC in government. But then we are real Zimbabweans we do not see that coincidence, we only choose to unblame Zanu. Zimbabweans are really blind. Sanctions were there for the past years so what has changed now that is making the economy start to limp. The only difference I see is an MDC free government.
The point is this: MT was chosen to remove ZPF from power and he has failed completely. He also has no plan. Give us someone who knows how to get rid of ZPF.
I am very worried for the future of Zimbabwe. Many people whom comment on this forum regarding MDC leadership renewal, I believe, have only ever lived under the tyrannical rule of Mugabe. I guess they would be aged between 18 and 38. They have only ever lived in Zimbabwe, therefore they have no firsthand experience of what democracy is or how it functions.
This is clearly evidenced by those who accuse people of being Zanu infiltrators when they voice their opinions and desires for a stronger MDC through leadership renewal. Some even go as far as to erroneously claim that Zanu fear Tsvangirai’s leadership of the MDC-T and that Zanu are propagating the calls for MDC leadership change, this fallacy couldn’t be further from the truth. The truth of the matter is that Zanu would prefer that Tsvangirai stayed as leader of MDC-T because they know exactly how to defeat him in elections (rigged or not), this is borne out by Zanu’s continued position in government (illegal or otherwise is not the point here).
Professor Ncube vachiriko here?
This country needs a person from my group Mixed Race like Obama to bail it out with logical thinking but we are not ready to do that because Zimbabwean politics is too dirty and cruel.We do not look at logical solutions but at our own gains and those of our relatives.Zimbabweans are known for long ques,therefore expect no miracles if it happens again.MDC should not fool itself think further suffering will make any difference.I always ask myself what can be worse than the periods prior to 2008,then came GNU which rescued the clever ruling party from its misery.Thanks to MDC poor thinking and selfishness of its leaders.We cannot be fooled again by people like Ms Khupe and company.I am happy that Mr Biti has seen logic and he has reopened his law firm and move on.
STRIVE MASIYIWA should be the next president of Zimbabwe. He fits the calibre of politician we (and other African nations) need – someone who wouldn’t be poor if he no longer received a politically backed salary and political favours, isn’t a war veteran (so doesn’t feel the country owes him for risking his life to free it) and has something to offer from building his own successful enterprise.
Leave Strive alone! A leader will emerge of their own right….not picked!!
Dzeyika , you mean Madida Khathazile Ndlovu can be the president , oh!yes the surname is fine , i can vote for him like i voted for Joshua Nkomo
Why all the time SH–
Mr Mixed race that is right on. We need a complete change and a Obama type would be great for obvious reasons.
I have a feeling that MDC will follow the same path that Zanu followed…hero worshipping and personality cult. Why is it that Tsvangirai continue to be the president of the party for more than ten years? MDC should lead by example and hand over the leadership role to someone else within their ranks. That is true leadership. Tsvangirai cant be there forever like Mugabe…nxaaaa