Source: Aggrieved parties can appeal Kunzvi Dam tender – Zinwa | The Herald
Herald Reporter
THE Zimbabwe National Water Authority (Zinwa) has said aggrieved parties are free to appeal against the decision to award the US$109 million tender for the construction of Kunzvi Dam to Chinese company Nanchang, after it emerged that the winning bidder priced the project more than US$40 million above the lowest bidder.
In a statement, Zinwa corporate communications and marketing manager Mrs Marjorie Munyonga said companies that lost the tender have 14 days to appeal.
This comes as it emerged that Nanchang’s bid was ranked fifth on the affordability score.
Once constructed, the dam is expected to address Harare’s water challenges.
“In terms of the Act, any aggrieved bidders are supposed to object to the award within 14 working days from the date of the communication of the award, which period expires on August 24, 2021.
“Currently Zinwa is waiting for the signing of the contract with the winning bidder, after the prescribed 14 working days should there be no objections to the award.”
Mrs Munyonga said the tender process was above board, as it had been evaluated by the Procurement Authority of Zimbabwe (PRAZ)
“After the closing of the tender on April 22, 2021, Zinwa evaluated the bids in line with the invitation to bidding document and the lowest bidder to specification was recommended for award after which the documentation was sent to the Procurement Regulatory of Zimbabwe (PRAZ) Special Oversight Committee for scrutiny.
“Zinwa’s evaluation passed the Special Oversight Committee’s scrutiny in line with Section 54 of the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Act and PRAZ communicated the decision to Zinwa on July 28, 2021 paving way for the award of the tender,” she said.
According to information gathered by The Herald, Nanchang was awarded the tender ahead of Sinohydro, which had a bidding price of just over US$65 million.
China Jiangxi had the second least bidding price of US$ 78,1 million while JR Goddard was third with a bidding price of US$83, 9 million.
R Davis was in fourth place with a bidding price of $99 million.
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