Whether you are a fairly new driver or have been driving for the past two decades, road accidents can happen to anyone, irrespective of their experience. We have heard about thousands of accidents happening each year, and they happen for a variety of reasons. Precisely, there are accidents happening every hour across the world.
One of the most common reasons is inattention which leads to many casualties. Several calamities can be avoided if the driver is aware and attentive. In this article, we discuss simple ways you can keep away from a road accident.
Slow down
One of the best and easiest things to do on the road is to slow down, look around and listen. No matter where you are headed, always keep the blind spots in mind and remember to stop there. Take a good look at your side mirrors and the rearview mirror. Take a moment and slow down on the roads because if you are in an unfamiliar area, even a small mistake could cause a big injury.
Lookout for the traffic light dodgers
If you are approaching a green light, you must always look at your right and left. Several accidents happen when the drivers think they can make it and keep driving, even through a red light. Such things can not only cost your life but harm others too. Instead, always follow the three-second rule. Whenever you approach a green light, remember to count three, take a good look around you, and then continue.
Watch out for children
Not all young kids have the maturity to ensure safety on the road. So, if you are driving in an area near schools or in a built-up area, keep an eye out and slow down. Pay attention to your surroundings. There could be kids playing, someone may step out of a school bus or from a parked car. Drive safely and slowly in these areas.
Maintain your car
An expert at Chopin Law firm, a car accident attorney in Louisiana states, “One of the best ways to avoid a calamity is to look after the vehicle. Maintain the vehicle to a good standard and get the car serviced annually. Always have the brakes checked by a mechanic twice a year, and if you sense anything wrong with the vehicle, do not delay.” Head to a mechanic right away. Check the engine oil from time to time and watch out for any faults in the car’s digital dashboard. Every three months, check the air in your tires, and if you are taking a long road trip, get the car serviced before you depart. Keep the mirrors and windscreen clean at all times so that your sight is not hampered. These steps will not only ensure a safe journey but will also help keep the car in the best condition. It will save you from expensive repairs in the long run.
Wear the seatbelt
We have seen many road safety advertisements on television that warn us of the dangers of not wearing a seatbelt. We have also heard of dangerous accidents when the driver was not wearing a seatbelt. Do not take this lightly. It will only take a second to put on the belt.
Never speed
We are aware of the results of speeding and have also seen several ads in horror, urging drivers to go slow. The message applies to every driver across the country. Speed kills. It reduces the time you have to react to the situation and leads to an increase in the chances of being in a traffic accident. If you can slow down, you will only spend a few minutes longer on the road, but if you don’t, you could end up losing your life. Consider the traffic, weather, and driving conditions whenever you are out, and always remember to stick to the speed limit on the road. Whenever in doubt, slow down.
Make use of the indicators
How often has this happened to you that the car in front of you slows down, indicates to take a right, and then takes a left instead? This happens to all of us thousands of times in a day. It can cause accidents, and some of these accidents have caused serious injuries in the past. Even if you do not think someone is in front or right behind your vehicle, you must get into the habit of using your indicator. It means you are showing your intention. Indicate a few seconds before you want to change the lane and allow other vehicles to prepare for the same.
Do not go on autopilot
Many people have a habit of going on autopilot while driving, but it can cause accidents. You must keep your eyes moving and look past the car on the sides, in the front, and use the rearview mirror. This will let you identify high-traffic areas, and spot hidden dangers.
Avoid driving in bad weather
There will be days when the weather will not be at its best, and you will have to avoid driving on such days. If it is not possible to completely avoid driving, do not drive in the night. It could bring significant dangers and cause trouble. If you have to drive in bad weather, ensure that the lights are working well.
Lastly, do not drive when you are tired. Never sit in the driver’s seat if you are worn out. Fatigued drivers can pose the same risk as drunk drivers, and it is best to avoid driving if you have had a long day. Even a loss of focus for one second can cause trouble and devastating consequences. That said, never assume what the other driver is going to do. It is also a common cause of accidents since many drivers tend to presume that someone will take a right in two minutes or someone might slow down and stop. But this doesn’t happen. When you don’t do this, you reduce the risk of an accident.