Source: Gokwe proposes $1,2bn budget – NewsDay Zimbabwe
GOKWE Town Council has proposed a $1,2 billion budget that will result in a 50% to 100% rise in rates and tariffs.
Council’s finance committee chairperson Darlington Mudondo said the local authority expected to raise 66% of the budget money through revenue collection, with the other 34% coming from external funding such as the devolution fund.
“Most services were increased by 100%, licenses were increased by 90%, Services charges for commercials by 80%,” Mudondo said.
“The budget is expected to create an enabling environment for council in terms of improving service delivery in line with the set and signed performance contract for the town secretary.
“It is also going to ensure improved service provision to all consumers, ratepayers and stakeholders.
“The budget proposes to allocate financial resources to six specific programmes with governance and administration taking $5 826 825 48 of the budget, while social services take $742 462 236 00.”
Under the proposed budget, the council plans to increase stand application fees, plan approval fees and building inspection fees by 100%.
Refuse and road levy fees will go up by 100% .
The local council is also proposing to hike rates from $87,50 to $175 for high-density, $112 to $225 for medium-density, and $$375 to $750 for low-density areas.
Mudondo said the council was also proposing to continue engaging ward-based revenue collectors who will be paid 10% commission for collecting rates in residential areas.
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