Pfumvudza launched amid high hopes 

Source: Pfumvudza launched amid high hopes | The Herald

Pfumvudza launched amid high hopes
Mashonaland West Provincial Affairs and Devolution Minister Mary Mliswa-Chikoka is shown a field prepared for the Pfumvudza Programme at Chief Msampakaruma’s homestead where six plots have been prepared ahead of the onset of the rains

Walter Nyamukondiwa   in MSAMPAKARUMA

The 2021/2022 Pfumvudza/ Intwasa cropping programme was launched in Kariba district by the Government yesterday, with high expectations that it will consolidate food security in the predominantly dry area. 

As a result of a successful season last year, the compilation of lists for food relief begun in late September, three months after the normal period when people in the district start appealing for food assistance. 

Speaking at the launch at Chief Msampakaruma’s homestead, Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution responsible for Mashonaland West, Minister Mary Mliswa-Chikoka, said everyone should start serious preparations ahead of the onset of the rains.

“We want to ensure that every household is food secure and that is only possible if everyone embarks on the Pfumvudza Programme,” said Minister Mliswa. 

“Many were like doubting Thomases last season but this time around we want everyone to prepare their plots and get support from Government and not wait until inputs for those who registered are being distributed.” 

Chief Msampakaruma said people in his area were raring to go before hailing Government for the timeous distribution of inputs. 

Recently, Kadoma District Coordinating Committee (DCC) chairman Cde Langton Mabhanga, hosted training sessions for farmers in Kadoma on Pfumvudza. 

Three training sessions were done for Rimuka, Waverly and Munhumutapa & Pixie Combie farmers.