President reads Riot Act. . .Warns senior party members abusing social media

Source: The Herald – Breaking news.

President reads Riot Act. . .Warns senior party members abusing social media Zanu PF First Secretary and President, Cde Mnangagwa, delivers his keynote address at the 380th Ordinary Session of the Politburo, the final one for 2024, at the ruling party’s headquarters in Harare this yesterday. – Picture: Believe Nyakudjara

Joseph Madzimure, Senior Reporter

PRESIDENT Mnangagwa yesterday read the Riot Act on senior party members who are abusing social media platforms to create divisions, discord and confusion among members.

This comes as some senior ruling party members have been communicating opinionated views on social media.

Addressing the 380th Session of the Politburo yesterday, the President emphasised the importance of unity and order within the party rank and file.

“At this stage of our political development and with the maturity of our revolutionary party, it is disheartening to note the unbecoming levels of mud-slinging and other counter-revolutionary tendencies, including the broadcasting of party issues on social media platforms.

“These acts continue to cause discord and confusion among the membership base. No one must put our party into disrepute. This is unacceptable. Such behaviour cannot be tolerated and must stop. Vari kuzviita cherai chikomba,” emphasised President Mnangagwa.

Every member, the President said, must adhere to provisions of the party constitution, founding principles, and procedural integrity, including wide consultation and formal ratification of issues that affect the party.

“Prudence must be exercised in the execution of our duties and rights as members, through the use of appropriate principal organs and structures of the party. Zanu PF musangano unegwara, uye nematare.

“Let us do more to unite the party and entrench a positive culture of common purpose, harmony and love, as we advance our party Vision and Mission as articulated in Articles 6 and 7 of our party constitution,” he said.

On top of that, a social media policy is being crafted which will guide party members.

The President urged the party leadership to look forward to 2025 with optimism and confidence that the colossal party will sustain the development momentum realised so far.

“In doing so, our primary concern at every leadership level should be to continue building a positive image of the party and expanding the membership base in our structures. The party must remain visible in the villages, and urban areas, always guiding misinformed cadres in our communities, and raising their political awareness. Mu ZANU PF, iwe neni tine basa,” he said.

President Mnangagwa said despite the effects of the heinous illegal sanctions the country has witnessed numerous success milestones during the year.

“Despite the weighty and retarding effects of the heinous illegal sanctions on our country, we scored numerous success milestones during the year towards the modernisation, industrialisation and growth of our economy.

“Our national development philosophy, Nyika inovakwa, inotongwa, inonamatigwa nevene vayo/ ilizwe lakhiwa, libuswe, likhulekelwe ngabanikazi balo, is now embedded nationally, in the mind-sets of our people.

“As such, through this rallying call as well as hard work, focus and determination, our country is realising growth across all sectors of the economy and also a higher quality of life for our people,” said President Mnangagwa.

In the past few weeks alone, President Mnangagwa has officiated at various ceremonies for notable development projects and programmes being championed by the ruling party.

These included the commissioning of the Shurugwi- Mhandamabwe Road, the Varun Beverages Phase 6 and 7 expansion project, and the launch of the construction of a US$1 billion Titan New Energy Plant, among others.

“As we continue to make efforts to position Zimbabwe as an infrastructure powerhouse, the central role of the iron and steel sector cannot be overemphasised. To this end, the convening of the Zimbabwe Iron and Steel Indaba was a welcome initiative. It stands as a reminder to the party, Government and other stakeholders in the sector to quickly adapt and innovate as we revitalise this important industry of our nation,” he said.

Focus, he stated, must be towards guaranteeing that the natural endowments of the country benefit Zimbabweans and help accelerate the modernisation and industrialisation of the economy.

He commended party members for being instrumental in the success of programmes and activities that were held during the course of the year.

“Your individual and collective efforts were instrumental in the success of party programmes and activities held during the course of the year. The spirit of servant leadership and determination to wholeheartedly serve the party and people of our motherland, Zimbabwe, should remain our guiding beacon into the new year. Congratulations on a job well done,” he said.

He also commended the party and Herbert Chitepo School of Ideology for facilitating training and capacity building for the members of the Youth League through the ongoing partnership with the Julius Nyerere School of Leadership.

“Such leadership training programmes along with those conducted with various stakeholders within the country nurture our people to value and promote the ideals of patriotism and Pan-Africanism for the ongoing national development revolution.

The Chitepo School of Ideology, as a strategic Party and national institution, is directed to remain guided by the founding objectives, spirit and letter, that saw its establishment,” he said.