What pushed Ian Smith was not just the war

Source: What pushed Ian Smith was not just the war

Smith was getting support from South Africa.

Ian Smith

UK pushed America to force South Africa to withdraw that support if Smith was not prepared for reforms like ZANU-PF is doing today.

After SA’s withdrawal of support, the war was over!

As long as today’s South African Government continues to support ZANU-PF, the crisis will continue both in Zimbabwe through the economy and in South Africa through the immigration crisis.

If the ANC doesn’t deal with the crisis, the region’s only hope is the SA 2024 elections!

Botswana built a border fence with Zimbabwe in 2003.

South Africa built one on the border with Zimbabwe.

But Zimbabweans still cross to both countries, the solution is not fences, but good governance in Zimbabwe.

There is no electric fence between South Africa and Botswana because of good governance.

My South African brother and sisters, the issue will only be solved through reforms that bring good governance in Zimbabwe.

As long as the ANC continues to support ZANUPF’s misrule directly or indirectly, illegal immigration will continue! – Citizen journos