Source: The Herald – Breaking news.

Conrad Mupesa, Mashonaland West Bureau
The Zanu PF leadership in Mashonaland West Province has taken the October 2024 Zanu PF Annual People’s Conference resolutions to all six political administrative districts.
The inter-district meetings, held from Friday to yesterday, informed lower structures’ leadership about the resolutions passed at the conference.
Among the 162 resolutions shared with attendees were proposals to extend President Mnangagwa’s term of office from 2028 to 2030, establish a comprehensive framework to operationalise the principle of party supremacy over Government, and decentralise the Chitepo School of Ideology training programmes to administrative districts.
At the Zvimba inter-district meeting held at Banket Sports Club yesterday, Zanu PF provincial chairman Cde Mary Mliswa-Chikoka emphasised the importance of grassroots dissemination of the resolutions:
“After our successful provincial coordinating committee meeting last week, we dedicated these three days for inter-district meetings to meet with all party district chairpersons from all the four wings.
“They are now tasked to ensure that the message we brought from the national people’s conference is cascaded further down to everyone.”
Support for extending President Mnangagwa’s term was evident, with participants at the Zvimba inter-district meeting urging him to remain in office until 2030.
Cde Bywell Mbiri, chairman of the Zvimba District Coordinating Committee, said the President deserves the extension to witness the success of his Vision 2030.
“President Mnangagwa deserves an extension of his term of office beyond 2028 to witness the success of his Vision 2030,” he said.
Addressing the gathering, Zanu PF Central Committee member Cde Absolom Zvidzai echoed the province’s unified call for the president to extend his term:
“We all agreed as a province that the President should remain in office.”
Mashonaland West Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution Marian Chombo highlighted the need for Government department heads to collaborate closely with the ruling party for effective implementation of its manifestos and resolutions: