Zanu PF rebuilds structures in Epworth

Source: Zanu PF rebuilds structures in Epworth | The Herald

Zanu PF rebuilds structures in Epworth
Cde Chinamasa

Joseph Madzimure Senior Reporter

THE ruling party Zanu PF Commissariat Department is set to preside over the setting up of four party  districts in Epworth after their dissolution yesterday. 

Addressing party members at Tembwe district offices in Epworth, Zanu PF acting political commissar Cde Patrick Chinamasa said the party will not allow abuse of its structures. 

“The purpose of the meeting was to resolve the problems that have arisen in the restructuring exercise and in particular out of the 37 districts in Epworth, we had challenges with four of them. This is what we came to sort out. We have resolved to disband the entire structure of the four districts, Tembwe One, Tembwe Two, Samora Machel and Kenneth Kaunda are dissolved. We are going to start setting up new structures from the cell up to the district level,” said Cde Chinamasa. 

The setting up of the structures in the four districts will be supervised by the Zanu PF Commissariat department. 

Meanwhile, Cde Chinamasa said party members should desist from abusing social media for their own nefarious agenda which divide the party. 

The meeting was attended by the Harare provincial executive members, war veterans, and some district members. 

“What we are saying is that people should not be ruled by what goes on in the party on social media. We should be able to reach our people with the correct information and make decisions on the basis of factual facts and not on falsehoods spread on social media,” Cde Chinamasa said. He called upon party members to fight for the removal of sanctions through voting for the ruling party Zanu PF. 

Cde Chinamasa urged members to be wary of some Non-Government Organisations that are working with the opposition parties to spearhead regime change agenda.