Grace wants Gono to succeed #mugabe

via Grace wants Gono to succeed #mugabe | The Zimbabwean 09.04.14 by Tawanda Majoni

Former Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) governor, Gideon Gono.

Grace Mugabe is pushing to have former Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) governor, Gideon Gono, succeed her husband as president when he finally retires, according to senior CIO sources.

The two families are reportedly exchanging frequent personal visits, and many in Zanu (PF) interpret this as an indication that the latter is being groomed as President Robert Mugabe’s successor. Intelligence sources told The Zimbabwean that Gono’s regular visits to the first family’s Borrowdale home have become more frequent.

They said the president and his wife were also visiting Gono’s Sunlands chicken farm, at Number 2 Luna Road, just outside Borrowdale, more frequently.

A senior Central Intelligence Office (CIO) official said: “His Excellency (Mugabe) and Gono are becoming more and more close to each other (sic). They are visiting each other almost every week. It is believed the President has chosen Gono as his most trusted associate and word doing the rounds is that he feels safer being succeeded by the former governor than anyone else.” He added that Grace was instrumental in tightening relations with Gono, who is said to be offering the First Family financial advice for its expanding business empire that is mostly agro-based. Grace hails from rural Chivhu, which shares borders with Buhera, Gono’s home district.

“The First Lady has a soft spot for Gono, mainly because he has over the years provided much-needed financial and business development advice to her and her husband. He would play a crucial role in building her nest in the post-Mugabe era,” said another intelligence source.

He added that Gono offered a more secure future for the business empire than any other possible successor, adding that even though the former governor was sympathetic to the Zanu (PF) faction reportedly led by Joice Mujuru, his loyalty was mostly to Mugabe, now 90.

“Grace is busy mobilising a clique of party heavyweights who would help position Gono as her husband’s successor – even though there are worries about his apparent lack of clout and junior position in the party,” added the source.

Mobilisation was being done by lobbying senior party members and the “Young Turks” throughout the 10 provinces, particularly those sympathetic to Mujuru, who included Didymus Mutasa, the Presidential Affairs Minister, Mines Minister Walter Chidhakwa, Tourism Minister Walter Mzembi and Cain Mathema from Matabeleland.

None of those named as were available for comment..

Mzembi recently threw a bachelors’ party at a five star Harare hotel for Mugabe’s new son-in-law, Simba Chikore and facilitated the newlyweds’ honeymoon in the Seychelles.

“Despite his newness to the structures of the party, Gono can still be catapulted to the top. The president only needs to give the order, directly or indirectly. It would not be the first time a junior has leapfrogged seniors,” he said. In 2004, Joice Mujuru was elected the party’s second vice president ahead of her seniors after Mugabe argued there was need for a woman in the Zanu (PF) presidium.

Zanu (PF) Secretary for Information, Rugare Gumbo told The Zimbabwean that the position of First Secretary was open to anyone –“whether new, junior or senior”.

“That is the position as stated by President Mugabe. Beyond that, I wouldn’t know his or Gono’s intentions,” he said.

In 2004, Joice Mujuru was elected the party’s second vice president ahead of her seniors after Mugabe argued there was need for a woman in the Zanu (PF) presidium.

Gono, who retired from the RBZ in December after 10 years as governor and could not be reached for a comment, is set to be handed a Zanu (PF) senatorial seat after amendments to the Electoral Act that would specify how a party chooses a candidate when a senatorial seat falls vacant.

The former governor is billed to replace Kumbirai Kangai in Manicaland who died in August last year, and rumour is swelling that Gono might subsequently replace the current Finance and Development Minister, Patrick Chinamasa.

Initially, Shadreck Chipanga, the former head of secret services and a senior Zanu (PF) member from the province, was supposed to replace Kangai, but Gono emerged from nowhere to take the first position.

The source, however, revealed that MPs aligned to Emmerson Mnangagwa, who reportedly leads another faction and is the Zanu (PF) Secretary for Administration as well as Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, were planning to team up with opposition legislators to shoot down Electoral Act amendments that would favour Gono.

Mugabe recently said the race to succeed him was open to anyone in the party and Mujuru or Mnangagwa were not automatic candidates. He also threatened to boot out anyone imposing a media blackout on Gono, in apparent reference to Information, Media and Broadcasting Services Minister, Jonathan Moyo.


  • comment-avatar
    ZimJim 11 years ago

    What the HELL has Grace got to do with it?!
    Oh yeah, its not a democracy…..

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    Mberikwazvo 11 years ago

    It is called STRATEGY, she wants to be First Lady for life!!!

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    Mlimo 11 years ago

    Graceless sees Zimbabwe as her own lining up the replacement of robber doesn’t she get enough on the sidelines. Robber and Gono looted Zimbabwe and wil,be the first to face street justice when the time comes.

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    Ruramai 11 years ago

    Just a strategy on the part of Grace to ensure her ill gotten wealth will be protected by the partner in crime who helped the first family accumulate it.

    Given her record, Mai Gono had better watch out….Grace will want to continue to occupy the first lady slot!

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    Nyoni 11 years ago


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    John Thomas 11 years ago

    Gono has no chance of being president

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    Lindy Lou 11 years ago

    Gono and many others. Grace,you are a ugly evil woman.You have stolen everything that you have BUT the people of Zimbabwe will recover everything that you and your moron thieving husband and his ilk have stolen from our wonderful country .Burn in hell you evil,evil,ugly women .

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    Rules are applied selectively. Some are said not qualify because they never fought in the war. I am not sure if the former governor is a war veteran.

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    E Makhate 11 years ago

    Like what happened to Kamuzu Banda, let’s prepare to recover the loot from Bob’s descendents. Grace will have to go back to Kambuzuma township. The reporter should stop thinking that we were all born kumusha. That’s apartheid mentality.

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    Jenandebvu 11 years ago

    This is rubbish. Mugabe now must not have friends bcz of succession. HE said the people will choose his successor. I hate ZPF but this kind of writing is childish

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    Frankie Laine 11 years ago

    I fought in the war. Do I stand a chance?

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    Yes yes yebo Grace will remain the first lady as usual just because she new that Sekuru dzangova hope ndinoreva kuvata chaiko husiku hose chete asizve ndiana angada chembere nyika yave janya kudai, Grace toro zvinhu zvako iwe… tora.That means Grace can have a hand in the former first lady’s death ,you can see lady is in business if Gono take over his days will be numbered truly he need to start counting as of today.Ndatenda hangu.

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    Ngoto Zimbwa 11 years ago

    Can anyone see ZANU going away soon?
    So Zim is in for the long haul as far as gross economic mismanagement is concerned, me thinks.

    Would Gono bring some economic growth and governance to Zim?

    In other words, unless we come off our backsides and turf these morons out of office soon, it would be better to live under an oppressor who brings growth to the country, as obtained under the rhodies.

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    Harper 11 years ago

    sic Mussolini’s consort, sic Grace.

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    zimbabwean 11 years ago

    Zimbabweans lets start planning now how we will recover each and every cent stolen by Mugabe and his family. We hunt the children and the grand children of these thieves to recover our stolen wealth. Grace you are playing with fire

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    UMAARI 11 years ago

    Mugabe will ever be in charge!

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    machakachaka 11 years ago

    Gono does Mugabe’s finances. Why then should the two not interact?

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    gonzo 11 years ago

    Gono must be giveing her one as the old boy is past it.

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    John Steele 11 years ago

    Gono, single handedly destroyed the Z$ by printing money in the trillions, how could disGrace say he is the one??

    • comment-avatar
      Zombi 11 years ago

      Not single handedly. It was the politics of the day. Gono akarohwa kumeso nebhurugwa ra Disgrace. He dances to the Mugabes tune. He is a shrewd opprtunist and was at the helm of BCCI, now CBZ, a Mugabe honeypot. The fate of the $ZW was sealed when over the years, corruption prevailed?

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    Cde Chooks 11 years ago

    No surprise here…Gonzo has been slipping Grace-less the “midnight fish” for many years now. Once Muggs is in the ground, she’ll orchestrate the disappearance of Gonzo’s wife and resume her position as “First Shopper”. Evil woman…

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    Never had any love for this husband snatcher. She definitely rubs me up the wrong way. Disgrace has been doing the deed with Gono right under Bob’s nose. ( but he deserves it)Once a biach always a biach

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    protestor 11 years ago

    ko ana sekuru vedu havawane chigaro neiko who have been in the cabinet for the past 30 years

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    Mixed Race 11 years ago

    The public has very short memories to worry about Mr Gono.How would our army allow him to become president since he was not in the liberation war?This then leads me to say this informant is a liar,he is just testing how the public will react.If its true then we should wait and see how the military will respond to it.

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      Mandy 11 years ago

      First lady for life. Marries Gono and lives happy ever after, in her dreams.

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    Zombi 11 years ago

    Gono would be better than Mujuru or Mnangagwa. Whilst he is no saint, he has better economic brains. Corruption in the EU was around 19 Billion Euro in a recent year. But at least there are facilities for the public. Gono would pribably be as corrupt as hell, but I think he would engage with business and bring sanity to the economy.

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    ntaba 11 years ago

    In will be interesting to see in what capacities Gono is deemed the perfect replacement. Obviously with a MBA in printing money Gono will be strong contender but it seems that there could well be other options available in terms of being a successor to young Bob?

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    ntaba 11 years ago

    If Gono and Grace were to be the happy couple in the future – this would surely be the final step to have their very own and personal Banana Republic. A banana republic has happened before in the world.

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    wordwriter 11 years ago

    if the media continue to publish articles on the possibility of gono becoming head of state, he will suddenly die due to ‘logical’ reasons’- ie an assassination will be covered up. Be warned. the rewards of presidency are so huge that people are prepared to kill for it, and the main runners have ample resources to carry this out.

    Keep gono alive. I like his chickens. stop speculating about him. PLEASE

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    Petal 11 years ago

    Disgrace and Gono must be an item!! The next we will hear they are getting married!!

  • comment-avatar
    Petal 11 years ago

    at the end of the day someone should tell DISGRACE it is not her that makes the final decision it is the PEOPLE THE ORDINARY PEOPLE