via Motorists to be fined for litterbins | The Herald December 3, 2013
MOTORISTS must have litter bins in their vehicles or risk a US$15 fine, the Environmental Management Agency has said. In an interview during the anti-littering campaign in Harare yesterday, EMA education and publicity officer Mr Rambwayi Mapako said passengers face the same penalty.
He said EMA has roped in the Zimbabwe Republic Police to help enforce the regulations which apply to both private and public transport owners.
The campaign was attended by motorists, commuter omnibus drivers and public transport operators.
“We will not be deterred on fining motorists who will be found without litter bins or those vehicles whose passengers throw litter through the window. We cannot do it alone and people have to assist or contact us when people are found not to be compliant.
“Passengers in public transport must ask the driver or conductor where their litter bin is so that they do not encounter problems. Passengers caught throwing litter through the window and the driver will be fined US$15 each,” said Mr Mapako.
Greater Harare Council of Commuter Operators secretary general Mr Ngoni Katsvairo applauded the move saying it will assist in reducing road carnage during the festive season.
“Having litter bins in public transport vehicles will assist in reducing the number of accidents we experience during the festive season. At times passengers throw litter through the window which cause accidents,” he said.
Mr Katsvairo urged commuter omnibus owners to encourage their kombi crews to have the litter bins.
Bin mukaVitz! Zvakaoma. Foreign registered vehicles hokoyo. I know our traffic cops well, especially those at Ngundu and just after Mhandamabwe who demand fines from drivers with soiled vehicles.
Another zpf official has a company that make those bins, like number plates and fire extinguishers, they wanna raise money for the party and corrupt police force.
Lazy women who throw pampers through windows you need to be fined times 2
Litter is not good, but neither is it good to give the police another reason to harass drivers. This rule is just another excuse for a bribe. Why does Zimbabwe excell at coming up with laws to punish it’s own citizens, but it fails miserably at creating a peaceful and harmonious environment where all can excel in their own way?
Define a litter bin. Our family always takes a plastic bag with them for litter. What’s wrong with that?
I ll carry my litter bin in the car, so i wont get any ticket but i ll throw my litter as i travel. My litter bin should have a minimum life span of 5 years. Lol
WHAT THE HECK!!! HAVE WE ACTUALLY COME TO THIS!!?? Litterbins in your vehicle does not make you use it like “easily fooled” has described.”You can take a horse to water but you cant make him drink” and let me assure you that this is going to have a negative impact in this country as people are fined for this rediculous appendage, and you are going to find people throwing more trash out the windows just because of this pathetic law. It is obvious that those who have made this jargan up are brainless idiots!
Dear EMA you need first to deal with local authorities who are failing to collect th liter. Even if the liter from travellers is properly collected the end process is rotten. Please go learn from Windhoek Namibia on litter management oh clean city
Is this already law? What section of our constitution gives EMA this prerogative to promulgate such laws? If we are not careful the over zealous police offices will start enforcing this before its even law. Crazy
How is the litter bin going to be secured in the vehicle to prevent injury to occupants in case of accidents.
So what happens if someone reports that they saw a vehicle throw litter outside their vehicle. Are you going to be fined by word of mouth.
There are no longer properly maintained laybyes on the highway and even if you were to stop to take your trash out you risk being mugged. Cry the beloved country
The laybyes are now dangerous with the thieves and a bin especially plastic is good and when on a safe place the bin can be emptied. We need a clean enviroment. GOOD MOVE
Kuwedzera mari yemusana yemapurisa, this is nonsense.
hapana chakanaka apa, regai kuda kunetsa mhuri yezimbabwe imi VeEMA
Nyika ino yaiva the best muSourthen Africa. maroad signs anga arimo uye malaybye. maiti mukasvika paLaybye maiwana pane Bin reDHIRAMU rakaiswa zvakanaka. nhasi makuti ndifambe nemarara mumota mangu munonyepa hamuoni chinhu. imbwa dzevanhu kuda kubira vanhu mari. Angava mupurisa kana EMA official akawana ndine bin risina marara acho achati kudii ? angaubvunza mubvunzo wekuti sei Bin risina marara here kana kuti pane chaanenge otsvaka. Bin ndinotenga but rinogara rakachena marara ndinorasira kunze ndinobhadhara kana madibata makapusa sitereki. Mota dzedu dzeJapan hadzina kugadzirwa dzine nzvimbo yekuti bin ringe rechigara. ko imimi ndimi maakuda kuisawo bin manje. Pane arikuteya kuda kudya napo ipapo. muchamama zvenyu kana nguva yakwana hamusati muchaona kuti hakuna kwamuchaenda kure kure, road yakunopera zvino. mandibhohwa mhani
Some things need common sense we are not suppose to throw rubbish everywhere like we dont what we are going to see is pple being caught and bribe the police thats encouraging more corruption and who do we blame.
What is left is to propose that each individual, irregardless of being motorist, should move arround with a litterbin. Hey asi baba veku’indigenization vaya vaakuEnvironment??? Hokoyo. He wants too be felt.
Ha ha ha. I came imagine walking along First Street carrying a small smelly dusbin! What’s our country coming to?
If the law was saying no littering, anyone found doing so would be fined. Then motorists would look for the bins. What about the pedestrians? Where do they get the bins? And the few that are there are buried under litter. Please engage even your children before you bring utter such nonsense in public. You guys are the worst. You even throw condoms anywhere and everywhere. Zimbabweans want a clean environment and you are looking for money. People will throw litter anywhere to spite the stupid “law”
Zinja zabantu-Why dont you invest a little in educating the public and motorists about littering and cleanliness in general instead of rushing to mete out punishment. In those good old days people were sometimes given warnings even for speeding but now there are no warnings for anything, it’s bhadara or bribe me and continue doing what is wrong.Shame !