via Beginning of good things? – The Zimbabwean 15 July 2015
We were impressed and motivated by the rare show of unity that was displayed on Saturday when political leaders from virtually all the political parties joined hands with civil society, religious leaders and grieving Zimbabweans at a prayer meeting for Itai Dzamara in Highfield.
While many were disappointed that Joice Mujuru did not attend despite an earlier promise to do so, it was gratifying to see Morgan Tsvangirai, Simba Makoni and a host of other political leaders share the same podium in roundly condemning President Robert Mugabe’s government for failing to deal with Dzamara’s disappearance.
They took turns to rap the government for its disregard for citizens and were soundly agreed that now is the time for people to put their differences aside and fight for genuine democracy.
It was encouraging to see erstwhile political foes embrace each other. Jabulani Sibanda and Temba Mliswa, who earned notoriety in the past for tormenting the opposition, received standing ovations from a crowd clearly dominated by members of MDC-T for their call on Zimbabweans to act. Even Tsvangirai had no problem acknowledging his satisfaction that he shared the same platform with Sibanda. This is the kind of spirit we have been waiting for.
We hope that the prayer meeting will snowball into a meaningful and potent convergence among Zimbabweans to act against the impunity of Zanu (PF). It is clear that President Mugabe and the party he leads are the albatross around our necks. They need to be confronted by a serious opposition, which can only be a reality if we all unite to bring their unpopular rule to an end.
What is needed now is for those who filled the Zimbabwe Grounds on Saturday to take the declaration they made to a higher level. They need to sit down and seriously map the convergence that can bring change to our beleaguered nation. Now is the time for leaders to put their egos and self-interest aside and become our servants.
If they could unite to remember the disappeared Dzamara, they surely can combine forces to ensure that we become a free people – enjoying freedom of speech, assembly and movement, among other constitutional rights.
We hope better times are coming – and that something positive will result from the tragedy of Dzamara’s abduction and the refusal of the Zanu (PF) regime to investigate it properly. Zimbabweans have suffered for too long and there is need for a sense of common purpose. No differences among the political parties are insurmountable. Zanu (PF) is currently fractured because of internal divisions and pro-democracy fighters must take advantage of that.