MDC-T, Mutasa evasive over rigging secrets

via MDC-T, Mutasa evasive over rigging secrets – The Zimbabwean 15 July 2015

Former state security minister Didymus Mutasa and MDC-T are skirting the issue of whether or not they have shared secrets on vote rigging that the former promised to share with the opposition party last month.

Mutasa, also the former Zanu (PF) national secretary for administration who worked in President Robert Mugabe’s office as a senior minister, publicly acknowledged in June that he had information on how his former party rigged the 2008 elections.

He promised to share the information with MDC-T, but efforts to establish developments regarding this yielded nothing. Mutasa said he was ready to testify in court over the matter. “If the MDC-T approaches me, then I will consider that matter (to stand as a witness),” Mutasa said.

Mugabe was handed his first official defeat by Morgan Tsvangirai of MDC-T in the 2008 presidential polls.The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) withheld poll results for more than a month and when it did, Tsvangirai was still leading even though without the 50 percent and one vote required for him to form a government on his own.

He later withdrew from a presidential run-off which was marred by widespread politically motivated violence, leaving Mugabe as the sole runner. There has been speculation that the results of the first poll were doctored to ensure that Tsvangirai did not get an outright win.

Contacted to find out if MDC-T had approached him after his promise, Mutasa said: “I am not sure what the is the context of your question” and ignored a second Whatsapp message.

Obert Gutu, the MDC-T national spokesperson, was also evasive. “We are always in consultation with like-minded people seeking peace and democracy. We are always in touch with them on a broad range of issues,” he said.


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    silungisani ndlovu 10 years ago

    Amanga aleli Xhegu abalibiza ngokuthi Gamatox u DIDYMUS MUTASA….angikholwa ngempela ukuthi this person is PURE Warveteran….why eguga kabi kanje….turning a SELL-OUT at last….ngikholwa leyindoda ibe ihleli iyimpimpi langesikhathi sempi…kuthi i ZANLA yaphele e Chimoio,Nyadzonya etc: yilo leli iSELL-OUT elalinikeza i Tip e MABHUNWINI ukuthi abulale kanjani abantwana base Zimbabwe….i do not believe this old man’s actions,now,now turning a BIG SELL-OUT….Mutasa please learn to die with your secret…Can Mr George W Bush how he rigged the elections in Florida?….he will die with his secret….you stupid OLD MAN……….

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      Qaqaqa 10 years ago

      Are you interest at threat and your fathers,iam surprised of you response,selahlala lithukile okwezinyoni.

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    grabmore 10 years ago

    The Zanu way…. selling out since 1964.

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    aminaN 10 years ago

    The matter that is significant and of such importance to all is that 2018 ZANU PF and Nikuv should not manage to rig. Everybody know that they rigged. The Opposition part should not allow their minds to be pulled back by wanting to see how Nikuv rigged, the bottom truth is that they did rig. MUGABE lost all the votes except those he scarper from fearful grannies in the villages and crazy CIOs and military men. He even lost among the military camps through out the country hence the reason for beating and militarizing the campaign for June 2008 run off. All opposition must lobby the UN, EU, NATO and such other that if the 2018 election are not monitored internationally, they should not participate. MUGABE and ZANU PF are interested parties in the elections and it not possible for them to be partial. SADC and AU have failed to guarantee free and fair elections. They are too scared of MUGABE. RITA MAKARAU, MUDEDE, AND ZEMBE and militatry should never be part of the elections. They are incompetent

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      silungisani ndlovu 10 years ago

      Why NATO you stupid…look at what is happening in Libya and Iraq as a result of NATO……are you well observed?…..

  • comment-avatar
    aminaN 10 years ago

    The matter that is significant and of such importance to all is that 2018 ZANU PF and Nikuv should not manage to rig. Everybody know that they rigged. The Opposition part should not allow their minds to be pulled back by wanting to see how Nikuv rigged, the bottom truth is that they did rig. MUGABE lost all the votes except those he scarper from fearful grannies in the villages and crazy CIOs and military men. He even lost among the military camps through out the country hence the reason for beating and militarizing the campaign for June 2008 run off. All opposition must lobby the UN, EU, NATO and such other that if the 2018 election are not monitored internationally, they should not participate. MUGABE and ZANU PF are interested parties in the elections and it not possible for them to be partial. SADC and AU have failed to guarantee free and fair elections. They are too scared of MUGABE. RITA MAKARAU, MUDEDE, AND ZEMBE and military should never be part of the elections. They are incompetent and impartial

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    Mehlo 10 years ago


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    Ndluvu – it is not NATO who screwed up, it is the people of Libya and Iraq who screwed up.

    Their versin of The Bhobho was removed – and what did they do? Fight each other. But I guess Zim would be the same?

    In think that re-colonisation is the ONLY answer