via ZANU PF election manifesto a ‘bundle of lies’ | SW Radio Africa by Tichaona Sibanda October 3, 2013
Senior MDC-T official Obert Gutu on Thursday described ZANU PF’s election manifesto as a ‘bundle of lies used crudely to cheat the people of Zimbabwe.’
The ruling party’s election manifesto promised to create over 2 million jobs in the next five years, allegedly as part of an economic growth initiative based on the economic empowerment and indigenization drive. But the party’s secretary for Youth Affairs, Absolom Sikhosana, disclosed Tuesday that government will not be able to create the jobs promised in its manifesto, once again using the targeted sanctions as the excuse.
‘We are going to create jobs . . . but if you followed our strategy in our manifesto, you have got to accept we will not be able to create as many jobs as we would have loved to due to the imperialists’ continuing with their sanctions regime,’ Sikhosana said.
Reacting to this, Gutu, a former deputy Minister of Justice in the inclusive government, said they expected this to happen as they knew that ZANU PF did not have the capacity to deliver on its electoral promises.
He said the manifesto on job creation had glaring pigeon holes if you examined the performance of the economy. He said of the 74 companies listed on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange only ‘ten are in good shape.’
‘Sixty-four other companies are in the intensive care unit. So how do you create employment under these circumstances? I think they were also hoping to rig the economy as they did with the elections…you cannot do that, you simply need to run it like a good business to make profit,’ explained Gutu.
The MDC-T spokesman for Harare province said the truth is that, ‘chickens are coming home to roost’ as the ZANU PF manifesto contains nothing but a pack of lies.
‘It’s unfortunate that Zimbabweans were sold a dummy by ZANU PF and are suffering as a result. ZANU PF certainly has no capacity to deliver on its promises,’ he said. In the last two decades ZANU PF’s track record had been ‘full of failures and broken promises.’
Gutu said the party’s admission that it could not implement the manifest spoke loud and clear about ‘deceit with the common man.’
‘Since they came into power, this economy has taken a knock and is in bad shape. They promised the Zimbabwean people a lot in their election campaigns. They promised to change or improve a lot of things in a very short time. As such, more admissions of failure to deliver will come soon,’ Gutu added.
The government has also failed to fulfill promises it pledged during the campaign period, like raising salaries for civil servants and supplying farmers with inputs.
I’m not surprised, once a liar, always a liar. Mugabe has led to ZImbos for 33 years!
U R Wrong
How can you say that? Mugabe promised prosperity for everyone, but GDP has been in the doldrums since independence, 33 years ago.
From 1980 to 2012 the US increased it’s GDP by more then 300%, while Zimbabwe flatlined and hasn’t moved at all in real terms. In 1980 the average Zimbo made $916.24 annually, today the same average citizen earns less, only $757.09; while the average American saw his income grow from $12,249 to $51,248 today.
Average lifespan in Zimbabwe fell from 59.2 years in 1980 to 50 years today; while the US went from 73.9 years to 78.64 years.
In 1980 unemployment was 26%, now it’s over 90%. Do you call that progress?
Mugabe promised freedom jobs and prosperity to everyone, but what he really meant was that it’s for “true,” Zimbos who are members of ZANU-PF… and even most of them got f*cked by Mugabe… really.
Sorry. Meant to type, “Mugabe has lied to ZImbos for 33 years!”
They should change the name to ZANU BS!
A leopard never changes its spots.
Stating the obvious! Isnt it a shame that this wonderful country and people have to be subjected to this hollocaust of evil for another 5 years.
Indigenization never created any jobs and there is no way it can create jobs unless obviously those that have been donated shares can then use them to leverage in forming new businesses and ventures. However they cannot because the shares have to be paid for overtime. The quickest and most viable is to enable new money to come into Zimbabwe. The country benefits immensely for any company no matter the shareholding to operate in Zimbabwe through taxes, salaries, and operations. If a $1billion revenue company was to operate in Zimbabwe the owners no matter chinese, zimbos, english or any, will, (strictly speaking) pocket about 10% of that $1 billion and the about $700 million will be spread to government through taxes, Zimbos through salaries, Zesa for electricity, transporters and various other suppliers who in turn have their own salaries and taxes and operations. That is exactly how China exploded through FDI with companies opening up shop in China employing the people of China. China effectively started to vigorously pursue FDI after Hong Kong handover in 1997. Indigenisation as the primary economic driver will never work.
One can not expect perenial learners to become exponents of progress. The unsound, insicere and the blind can not deliver Zimbabwe to the promised land.
waiona, mukwasha imboko
I suggest the zanu youth start asking for diamond trade details before blaming everyone else, where is all that money and why is it not being invested in this country.
ZANU PF election manifesto a “Very Big Bundle of Truth with NO Lies”. U are seeing one Face of a COIN, Turn and try to look for other Face of a COIN, which is not same.
It’s the reality and you should accept it, U have to wait and watch. Blindly don’t blame without knowing the internal truth. Easy to criticize without knowing the Fact. Very soon, you will see from your own eyes, only implementations of the same Manifesto, U will realize your mistakes.
How can Senior MDC-T official Obert Gutu describes that ZANU PF’s election manifesto as a ‘bundle of lies used crudely to cheat the people of Zimbabwe.
“It’s baseless allegation without knowing the facts and reality of manifesto a clear indication of massive Employment creation, Economic empowerment and indigenisation”.
MDC-T are incompetent to win the recent election that’s the reality, that’s why MDC-T official describes his baseless comments. We feel that, he is not loyal to the country and hope he is not the real Zimbabwean.
They lost the Election and they should accept their defeat. Not to criticize, which is shame for them. They want to show the People of Zimbabwe that they are still winner. Where as, they are Loosers.
The ruling party’s election manifesto promised to create over 2 million jobs in the next five years which is 200% TRUE and it’s guaranteed with NO-DOUBT. Possibilities are more for ZERO% unemployment rate in 5 years time frame compared to present 80% unemployment rate.
You will see the development in Zimbabwe equivalent to 20 Years Development in 05 years time frame starting in New year 2014, Development will be in the form of Total Industrialization in Zimbabwe (All Sectors) and almost all the Industries will be re-opened and re-started their Industries through the Investors from all over the World who are lined up and under scrutiny, who are joining hands with Zimbabwe to improve the economy and launch Industrialization.
Investor will Industrialize the Nation by Investing in Zimbabwe according to their financial capabilities which will create massive Employment, this is the reality, “Believe IT or NOT”. By negative publicity from MDC-T will not affect any investor to invest in Zimbabwe.
We know what is Zimbabwe and we Know what we are doing.
In future, No person will be unemployed in Zimbabwe and people will come from other Countries to Zimbabwe including USA/Europe & Asia to work in Zimbabwe that is Guaranteed.
Those days has gone, where Zimbabweans used to work under Foreigner to develop other countries, Now the time has come to develop their own country.
It’s True that Manifesto presented and promised to create Employment and to develop the country, it is not possible to develop the country in “A DAY or TWO”, it’s under process and we assure as announced in Public, it means real and 200% TRUE.
Why can’t U people believe this. After 33 years in power, people again re-elected him to serve the country, people Love & Like him, He is the true Leader in the world, He is for the country, for the People & By the People, which is the true reality.
why should he tells lie, there is no Logic in it. He is the Best Elected president not a dictator, please mind the language and Stop abusing a great Leader. U have the right to talk and right to Write which is right, but you have no rights to abuse and defame a great personality.
Instead of Negative comments, better to concentrate to develop your country and Join hands with Ruling Party and Design the strategy to develop the country.
Another 5 Years Just putting the blame on others and the country will remains as it is with no change.
For God sake, act as a wise man and as a well wisher. U should be loyal to the Nation and don’t act like a fool and criticize without any evidence. Please don’t spoil your country’s name and your name too. One day U Will regret that’s sure.
The day will come very soon, where the people will come from other African countries to work in Zimbabwe. It will be the richest country in Africa in 20 Years.
Economic empowerment and indigenisation which is 100% possible which should be implemented successfully.
Party’s secretary for Youth Affairs, Absolom Sikhosana, disclosed Tuesday that government will not be able to create the jobs as promised in its manifesto, which is absolutely WRONG, what he knows, from where he got this wrong information,It’s the Government who knows how to create employment and they know very well.
As U feel that, once again using the targeted sanctions as the excuse. No my dear,Just ignore it, Please don’t care, develop the country and see who will do what.
Barking dogs never bites you, unless you give him a chance to bite. Never give a chance to Barking dog and stick to one word UNITY and then proceed.
‘We are going to create jobs . . . YES, 200% Correct
ZANU PF have the capacity to deliver on its electoral promises. We are confident that they will fulfill their promises made to the people of Zimbabwe.
It’s true that ‘Sixty-four companies are in intensive care unit which will be recovered very soon and they are under high dose medication for fast recovery, what else do you want.
To create employment under these circumstances is very simple, Investor will invest and they will come back to normal shape and will retain their position, Please don’t think too much which is waste of your time and energy. Think Good, you will feel Healthy.
The MDC-T spokesman for Harare province doesn’t know that, they have already lost the Election, Better realize and allow ruling party to work on promises made to public not to MDC-T.
“Chickens are coming to your home to roost’ not to ZANU PF.
“Roosted Chickens are waiting for ZANU PF – “Ready to Eat” & “Digest”.
Manifesto doesn’t contain any pack of lies. A pack of “FULL of TRUTH” only “TRUTH”.
‘It’s fortunate that Zimbabweans are not in wrong Hands, Believe “IT or Not” – Its 100% True, People will not suffer anymore. ZANU PF has the capacity to deliver their promises. As stated, In the last two decades ZANU PF’s track record had been ‘full of failures and broken promises due to many reasons and the whole world knows it. Nothing hiding’
Party’s admission that it could implement the manifest spoke loud and clear to common man.’
‘Since they came into power, this economy has taken a knock and was in a bad shape till today, But not “TOMORROW”. They promised the Zimbabwean people a lot in their election campaigns and will certainly be fulfilled very soon. They promised to change or improve a lot of things in a very short time which is very true. They mean it.
Whatever promised will be fulfilled 200% confirmed with confidence.
Be COOL, Be Relax, Simple Example: After Marriage and once conceived, you have to wait for a healthy Baby to BORN, it will take at least 7 to 9 months for a Baby, after pregnancy. Even doctor can’t guarantee the Life of either Baby or Mother during those period, anything can be happened. If everything is fine with Mother & Child then you will be lucky for their survivals.
Same as the case of RULING the country. If you are a women then you know the Pain of child BIRTH (Before & After). Its a second Life.
Think that Mother and child are safe after delivery and pray for their Long life and Healthy Life and support them to grow them peacefully as they deserved, that’s all.
Now its clear that, the promises made will be fulfilled ASAP and the Investors are already moved forward, why to worry and why to pressurize.
Wait, you will get the fruit. CLEAR – AND – END
My poor uninformed friend, you obviously feel that faith in Mugabe and ZANU-PF will prevail, but the statistics don’t lie. The country cannot grow without foreign income and Mugabe has scared most of it away. That means that the country will have to pull itself up by the bootstraps so to speak, and that is only achievable if the entire country works together for a common cause. Unfortunately, ZANU-PF has created an environment where the majority of the population wants peace and progress, but since they are not ZANU-PF in their heart they do not feel that Mugabe cares about them and so they do not follow him with any passion because they know how many times he has lied to them.
Firstly, use the correct wordings, we are not POOR and we are not your Friends, We are Indians who have developed our own country without foreign Support, we create our own Ideas to develop our Nation, we don’t steal the Ideas, we don’t create any Ideas which destroy our own country.
Compared to other countries We are peaceful people, peaceful country and powerful country, We like peaceful life, we don’t allow any foreigner to interfere in our domestic affairs, we will not ask any help, we help ourselves and we specifically help others who respects the Nation.
We are friends of each and every citizen of Zimbabwe who are suffering till TODAY, We don’t want them to suffer in future.
We as respectable Citizens of India and we the people who knows the reality of FUTURE ZIMBABWE. The above comment from your end is true to some extent, which is the past of Zimbabwe.
We Indians, knows the inside story of Zimbabwe from past 40 years, we have suffered, it was our PAST, we have suffered more than Zimbabweans before Indian Independence.
Now you can compare the country before and after the Independence in India. The past was horrible than present of Zimbabwe situation, The present of India is full of paradise with every possible Industries everywhere and every corner of India, this is the reality. We are self Sufficient after Independence, U can see the changes and development in India.
Obviously, it is true that, we as Loyal Citizens of India feel very bad on present situation of Zimbabwe. It doesn’t mean that we will not support. We, majority of Indians who knows the FACT and we are 500%, Guaranteed with ZIMBABWE to support the Investment and to support the Industries to come back to their normal production stage which they deserves.
We are the people who don’t care about the risk of our Investment, we do care the welfare of common man, a real Zimbabweans. We do care the Leader of Zimbabwe who cares their citizens and the country.
We know that, it is the Best country in the world and the People of Zimbabwe are the best people like Indians in culture, soft heart, peaceful, Literate, hard working etc.
They know how to respect their parents, elders and they know how to behave.
We as Indians, proud on his leadership, his views and courage to face the reality. No Doubt, we have “FULL FAITH” on him more than anyone, Excellency Mugabe and ZANU-PF will be the FUTURE of GREAT ZIMBABWE for another 20 years, they will fulfill the promises based on the reality, we as Indians are with Zimbabwe, we will make sure the investment and we will help them to improve gradually as our own BROTHERS without any expectations, this is our culture and reality.
It is true that the statistics don’t lie which is the PAST. New Strategy has already been designed and under review before implementations as per manifesto which will reverse the statistics prepared yesterday. Future of Zimbabwe is very bright, as an Indian a foreigner can see the brightness of Zimbabweans, where as you as MDC-T as Zimbabwean can’t see or visualize or plan for better future of Zimbabwe.
Provocation is easy than implementation of MDC-T Promises that U have made to us during the time of election to get votes, if in case Elected, it will be worst under the Control of MDC-T.
You know yourself the truth then why provocation and bad comments which will spoil your Image. Hold the breath, relax and think very deep. What U R doing is wrong. U R discouraging the foreign investors to invest in your country and you “MDC-T” as Zimbabwean blocking the investors to enter into Zimbabwe, what is the use, encourage foreign investors to invest according to government policies and stick to the views of manifesto.
Indigenize, Empower, Develop and Create Employment. It’s the best policy to adopt and it is difficult to initiate, but it is possible.
We appreciate and we will support to implement the policy to Indigenize, empower, develop and to create Employment will prove the world.
MDC-T is provoking a common man by manipulating their own words and misleading them to destabilize the Nation which is wrong.
First change the MDC-T Leader and then proceed by supporting the views and Ideas of Great leader to develop the country according to the manifesto of Ruling party and run the show.
Internal fighting will not help the country to Grow.
This will destabilize the country. It will remain unchanged. It’s a fact that everyone knows. Even lay man can write better comments. 200% guaranteed investment confirmed and Industries will re-open once again very soon, People will be employed and once again normal life this is the reality of FUTURE Zimbabwe.
JUST PRAY and think Positive.
My apologies to you. When I used the word “poor,” I was referring to your lack of philosophical questioning, not you lack of wealth. And when I refer to you as “friend,” I’m trying to be polite and not call you names, like Zanoids do. In this imperfect world we call the internet, we’re both allowed to converse and disagree with each other. Though I do not believe that faith in Mugabe will ever make any difference in the fortunes of Zimbabwe, deep down inside.
Your philosophical view is the past of Zimbabwe which you have seen.
Present and Future of Zimbabwe is very bright which we can seen from far.
I agree with you as PAST of Zimbabwe, I disagree with you about the Future of Zimbabwe.
That’s all, HOW, WHEN and WHO will know very soon. You will find No Enemy of Zimbabwe in the world once Zimbabwe is being developed and we will support Zimbabwe to develop their country shoulder to shoulder.
Have patience.
Think always positive and write some Good comments, How to improve and Develop the Country, How to BOOST the Economy of Country. So that, people should realy appreciate and implement your Ideas. Your Comments though it’s fact which everyone knows, nothing New since 33years same, its very discouraging the present & Future of Zimbabwe, Past is Past.
Think about Future of Citizens of Zimbabwe,Welfare of Zimbabwe etc.
We have no time to Waste. What we have seen as ground reality as expressed in this FORUM.
Either to accept it or Leave it, We are practical and Firmed Committed citizens who are ready to Support Zimbabweans.
One day you will have to agree & appreciate me and my comments.
C U FACE to FACE on the Battle Ground, Reality.
Don’t waste time on Past stories and history which may be true but we are FED-UP to hear the same stories, you will not get any lesson from the past, every time people needs something NEW and a small change in your story will attract everyone.
Advanced and adventures stories needed rather than old stories and Movies (Black & White Stories trend already gone, 50 years ago)
OK – Good Bye to MDC-T for EVER.
Agreement and Dis-agreements are always a TIME PASS.
Just WAIT and WATCH.
Dear T.N.Kumar-India,
Talking about “faces of coins”..
When was the last time you saw EITHER face of a Zimbabwe coin?…
Get a grip!
Zimbabwe has been “Waiting for the fruit” for over 30 years!!!
Bob just keeps stealing it all for himself and his masters, yes, his masters! He has NO CONTROL!! He is just a puppet of the Zim military and the Chinese government!!!!
I look forward to you re-posting in a few years, pointing out how all these empty promises from ZANU-PF have been kept!
I won’t be holding my breath though….