via Zimbabwe land redistribution a sign for South Africa? by Jehron Muhammad for
During a recent speech at the University of South Africa, former President Thabo Mbeki took Western nations to task for mounting an “offensive against Zimbabwe” that he called an indirect attack on the aspirations of all Africans.
During his speech, after attending President Robert Mugabe’s inauguration in Zimbabwe, he focused on criticisms about the outcome of the Zimbabwe election and Zimbabwe’s role as a catalyst in a war to remove vestiges of neo-colonialism from Africa.
“I wasn’t intending to speak for so long, but as you can see I’m getting very, very agitated about Zimbabwe, because it’s very, very clear that the offensive against Zimbabwe is an offensive against the rest of the continent,” he said.
Concerning the election outcome, Mr. Mbeki noted that based on over 1,000 election monitors provided by the African Union and the South African Development Community (SADC) the polling was “free, representing the opinion of the people of Zimbabwe.”
So why did Western nations, including the U.S., claim the election outcome was deliberately slanted to favor Mugabe? John Kerry, U.S. secretary of state, declared the “United States does not believe the results … represent a credible expression of the will of the Zimbabwean people.”
But a closer look reveals Western election observers were not even invited. In fact Zimbabwe, who Western nations have sanctioned, felt Western “observers” couldn’t objectively serve as monitors.
In addition, the U.S. had offered to pay “huge” sums of money to the SADC observer mission. According to Mbeki, who said he spoke to members of the observer mission, “We don’t know how they got to know that we were going to do this, but they were very, very happy to support us with huge sums of money. But we said no. We refused. We said no, we will finance ourselves.” There was a clear reason why SADC decided against accepting outside financing, according to what Mbeki was told. “Because we know that if we accepted that money, then we would have to produce a report consistent with the views of the paymaster,” he said.
In the October 9, 2013 edition of The Guardian, film maker Roy Agyemang writes 89-year-old Mugabe was “molded in the crucible of politics of nationalism, he emerges as the surviving face of African nationalism radicalized through armed resistance to settler colonialism. It is in this dimension of his generational politics, this trait of his character, which Britain and the western world has not been able to comprehend.”
I might add, as Mbeki suggests, that there is also fear of what Mugabe represents. What they fear from Mugabe, who spearheaded the 1980 overthrow of Zimbabwe’s former colonial masters, if what he represents catches momentum, is that their days of exploiting Africa’s natural resources are numbered. Belgium, the center of the global diamond trade, reported Voice of America, has demanded that the European Union lift sanctions on the state-run Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation (ZMDC). The EU has announced plans to lift sanctions imposed on ZMDC. Why? Zimbabwe is on the verge of accounting for 25 percent of world diamond production, Mugabe noted at a conference at Victoria Falls last year. He noted the whole industrialized world seems to be “here” in his country and a representative of India told him why.
Mugabe, during his September speech to the United Nations General Assembly castigated the U.S. and Great Britain. “Shame, shame, shame to the United States of America. Shame, shame, shame to Britain and its allies … Zimbabwe is for Zimbabweans, so are its resources. Please remove your illegal and filthy sanctions from my peaceful country,” he said.
The U.S. and the EU have imposed sanctions on Zimbabwean state firms and travel restrictions on Mugabe and dozens of Zimbabweans, mostly members of Mugabe’s Zanu-PF political party. The sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe are mostly about Mugabe’s redistribution of land forcibly taken by the country’s former colonial masters. In fact much of this illegal land distribution was a way of rewarding British citizens for service to the UK during World War II.
Ayemang who is the director/producer of the documentary “Mugabe: Villain or Hero?” said, “From Margaret Thatcher’s grudging acknowledgement to Tony Blair’s open hostility, the British establishment has had to contend with the assertive Mugabe.”
Mbeki believes Zimbabwe has been the “frontline in terms of defending our right as Africans to determine our future, and they are paying a price for that. I think it is our responsibility as African intellectuals to join them.”
South Africans are still suffering from the results of the 1913 Land Act that saw millions of Blacks forcibly removed from their homes. This injustice has yet to be rectified. Maybe Mugabe sees Zimbabwe redistributing land back to indigenous Africans as a precursor for South Africa’s future.
Jehron Muhammad, who writes from Philadelphia, can be reached at
Mbeki is ignorant. If “the offensive against Zimbabwe is an offensive against the rest of the continent” its because so much of the continent is ruled by politicians who like Mugabe have sacrificed the TRUTH/GOOD GOVERNANCE/ & DEMOCRACY for the sake of maintaining themselves and those that prop them up. Mbeki should be no more than an embarrassment to South Africa!
Mbeki is at it again! Zanu defending African cause the Robbinhood style! I wonder how many have been woodwinked by Zanu! Pathetic indeed. Africans lets be honest with ourselves.
This is a clarion call for all progressive Africans to take heed of.
Ohhhhh! You don’t know ZANU even Mugabe, there is no difference between him and Adolf Hitler ask Zimbabweans, and the fear about talking about Mugabe shows how fear has controlled that country for more than three decades. Those benefiting the oppressive system would differ anyway.
Perhaps Africa might look towards Zambia or Ghana as more appropriate models for national development?
Zimbabwe is not a happy prosperous country at this time.
and they are paying a price for that. I think it is our responsibility as African intellectuals to join them.”
If mbheki is an african “intelectual” then there will never be any hope for africa.
Thabo Mbeki engineered the GPA to save his friend who had clearly lost the election of 2008. If this years election was, Free and Fair, why would Mugabe not allow an audit. It has been clearly shown how ZANU PF stole this years election. How does Mbeki justify his statements. Nothing about millions having fled. Nothing about millions requiring food aid from a country that was once a bread basket. Nothing about the destruction of millions of hectares of woodlands. Nothing about the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of wild animals. Nothing about over 70% unemployment. Nothing about having to use the currency of a country that Mugabe castigates constantly. Nothing about the collapse of the health and education systems. Nothing about the collapsing infra structure. Nothing about ZANU PF insiders owning the best of the stolen farms and plundering diamond revenues. I could go on and on. Disgraceful from a former head of state that obviously has personal and business ties to Mugabe.
Taura hako!
Spot on Mike!
Africa and it’s corrupt big cruel corrupt leaders! God help us.
Mark, where do you live? Are your eyes open or are they closed? If the likes of Mark live in Africa and have their eyes open, then their minds are certainly shut. Africa is the continent of the future. The days Europeans used to steal Africa’s wealth are geting more and more numbered by the day. Thieving is not going to be the other option by which to mend or repair Europe’s economies anymore. Yes, Mark, even with your open eyes and shut mind you should know that Thabo Mbeki is not just an African but a world class ‘intelectual’ and it is the facts he brings out in the open about Zimbabwe and President Mugabe that frighten you, and as usual, in the manner of your thieving forefathers, you try to deform him and his ideas. That no longer works. Let us see what your pea brain holds!! I doubt if you went beyond junior secondary school. Mark’s open mouth and shut mind!!!!!!
Naison Nyereyegona, why do you reckon Mugabe murdered 20 000 innocent civilians during Gukurahundi massacres? How do you explain the Willowgate scandal; the defrauding of the war victims compensation fund; the constant disappearance of diamond proceeds; the virtual de-industrialisation of Zimbbawe which has effectively become a warehouse for South African manufacturers?
Why are the corrupt never brought to book? How come none of the African leaders who heap praise on Mugabe have not wanted to emulate him – Mbeki included? His own country terminated his presidency before his term was up – are they just stupid?
Indeed Europeans stole from Africa and industrialised their countries. Does that justify African leaders murdering and pauperising their own people and stashing the money in European and American banks?
Mugabe is ashamed of his own hospitals, schools and institutions, having been in charge for 33 years, why? Now he is not ashamed to buy maize grown by the same white farmers he drove off the land. Why cant he make those he gave land feed the nation?
And by the way Naison, it is absolutely unnecessary to call anyone pea brained just because you disagree with them. In civilised debates people just state their views without resorting to cheap insults.
Rudadiso that’s a brilliant response to someone who believes violence is the answer to any divergent views. It’s so embarrassing that African leaders have more appetite for things Western than Westerners and end up looting and plundering all resources for personal benefit, hide it(loot) in Western countries. Mugabe cries day & night to have access to London, Paris, Washington etc. Just be content with staying in Harare ‘Bob the De-builder!!’
Naison Nyereyegona you are right about the europeans no longer being able to steal Afica’s wealth. The reason being; our African leaders are allowing thw chinese to plunder the wealth of our beloved african continent. African countries are fast becoming de facto china’s colonies and gues what. The native Africans are once again the losers
Jehron Muhammad this level of writing you have put here is not for the level of most of the contributers here. I was missing this for a long time. I like it and hope and pray that you will continue to contribute on this forum. Just going through some of the repsonses here says a lot about what you have said.
Do your research and you will find Mbeki hates the West and his lack of objectivity will continue to skew his judgements on despots like Mugabe just because he is African. Until African leaders develop some moral backbone, Zimbabwe and other kleptocratically ruled nations will continue to suffer while Mbeki mumbles his usual irrelevancies.
A racist African American who looks up to Mugabe. No surprise here.
There had to be agrarian reform [in Zimbabwe], but it could have been done in a constructive and non-punitive manner. Now no-one is happy and the call for compensation will last decades.
my friend those who have it will not let it go even our own brothers will not let it go. the way the land issue was done was the only way to get it back yes the were mistakes but there was no other way to get it.there were endless negotiations before people forcibly took it, it was a revolution which no one could stop but go by the masses, remember the Arab revolution
people who have read economics will tell you that the only way to take back the land is not through negotiation but by forcibly taking it as done in Zimbabwe. Those who have read a book titled ‘Pedagogy of the oppressed’ by Friele will not argue with me, this is why it is good to have educated leaders like uncle Bob hate him or like him he is an intellectual
Please Mbeki – get behind me satan! Africanson you think this a great piece on patriotism? Africa is crying out for freedom from ITSELF!! Wake up people!!
Its a very sad state of affairs when the people of Zimbabwe can’t tell the rest of the world what they would like or who they would like to support.The situation in the country has led the likes of Mbeki to declare that Mugabe is legitimately in power and the west should accept the outcome.Its been the state of the country for the last 33 years where certain criteria must be observed and contrasting views swept under the table of the corrupt manipulative AU higher offices who have had their swiss bank accounts recently added to.
Hi Nelson. Something else for you to ponder as you insult people on this forum with your closed eyes and closed mind. You are nothing more than the racist you accuse others of been. Zimbabwe was just rated number 47 of 53 African countries in terms of rubbish governance, human rights violations, almost zero rule of law and so on. But on the bright side Zim scored better than Equatorial Guinea, Somalia, Chad, Liberia and a couple of other totally failed African States. This is a fact, but facts have no room, it seems, in your skewed reasoning. If you hate the white man, so much, give up everything you drive, wear etc that no one in Africa invented.
Idea a iro
Yes this is true about what is happening now in this country. The US & UK never wanted to leave us to do our own things, but to dictate every move that we take. You guys leave Zimbabwe alone for Zimbabweans, we are tired of your antics and scheming on how to make us suffer so you have the excuse of trying to help us. Let us solve our own home grown problems internally, your hands off!!!
Tinei Manadava, if Mugabe wanted Zimbabwe to succeed why did he murder all those people during Gukurahundi? Why all the corruption and surrendering national resources to the Chinese? Why not at least give the land to those who are able to farm it, create jobs and feed the nation?
Because of the likes of Mbeki I am now tired and wornout
Tozvirevakupiko. I dont call me satan. If you use that name satan it means you believe in god. Therefore i invoke god’s judgement on you for acusing me of serving the devil. You can simply disagree with me in simple language and people will understand. Its plain clear that the level of the post is beyond your mental facult. This is beyond your undersyanding and you make yourself more shallow by use insult where its not needed. The level of understanding in this day and age is use reason not emotions. Thrawing insults does not make you sound intelligent it exposes you by tryong to be Jonathan on this forum.
in fact I am a believer – and 1. I meant that to Mbeki, not you Africanson 2. Its a phrase Jesus used on Peter (from the bible)- now used in English language to refer to someone who fails to grasp the prevailing reality – like Mbekiiii! Problem is Africa is awash with people like you and the Mugabe’s of this world who never look at themselves in a mirror!
I support Mbeki, I dont care what others think, but Mbeki called a spade a spade.They are a few Africans who think, one day they will be paid for hammering their leaders. Mbeki is a true Nationalist who know the root of all African problems.A lot who are commending are doing it with shut minds. Why is it that when an African leader took what belong to him he is said to be a dictator, but when a White did the same is said to be a Hero. Food for thought!!!
So everyone else who does not agree with you must be insulted?
Thanks to Mbeki and to all Africans that believe in themselves. May you forever serve Africa sir.
guys lets reason here. I personally am economically suffering due to state of the economy, but Robert Mugabe is RIGHT. His ideology is the only option available and practically viable for us Africans. we need to be masters of our destiny. its better we suffer now for tomorrow lies our only better future. Though its been difficult for me to benefit personally from his land policy, but as a youth i believe those who have and are benefitting will take us to the promised land. we cant inherit our servant tag forever. God made us people to be masters of our Destiny. baba Mugabe the face of our struggle. Forward with this grreat man of now and Africa tomorrow
Masters of your own destiny? You are handing over your destiny into the hands of the Chinese. You must be able to see this! The great man you see is selling you down the drain to the Chinese in order for them to make sure he retains power. Wake up.
mbeki has some shares in zimplats,standard bank in zimbabwe
I wander why Mbeki is so fixated with zim,why didn’t he pursue the same policies and destroy the economy of sa when he was president, frankly I think he is not as intelligent as he claims to be, cases in point ,the aids debacle in sa. That’s why they booted him out like a dog in sa. He must just shut up.
Lazzy, I am of the opinion that Mbeki knew if he continued singing their praises the idiots running this country would not deviate from the destructive path they had chosen. Zimbabwe has therefore de-industrialised and South African manufacturers are smiling all the way to the bank. Walk into any supermarket in Zimbabwe and you will see what Mbeki achieved for his country.