Breaking..MDC-A MP Joana Mamombe taken into custody

Source: Breaking..MDC-A MP Joana Mamombe taken into custody – NewsDay Zimbabwe

By Desmond Chingarande
Harare court has just remanded MDC Alliance legislator for Harare West Joana Mamombe in custody for two weeks for her to be examined by two government doctors after the State said that it suspects her of faking mental illness to avoid trial. Magistrate Bianca Makwande said Mamombe has to be examined by doctors as the court cannot independently assess her mentality.


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    Samanga 4 years ago

    Dzamara this and Dzamara that. What exactly do you take us for? Now Doc abducted and 3 MDC girls abducted. Well, we are not idiots to believe anything. Worse still, you go about accusing the government for these abductions and you dont tell us why the government. Look, how could the government abduct little known idiots and leave the big fish? Maybe you think they are too secure. Secure my foot.

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      Fallenz 4 years ago

      If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck… well, you get the drift, Mister Duck..!