Source: Govt’s 100-day cycle a success: VP Chiwenga | The Herald
Africa Moyo in BULAWAYO
THE first 100 days of the new dispensation were a resounding success with an average performance rate of 86 percent although the Office of the President and Cabinet is busy compiling comprehensive reports on what was achieved. This was said by Vice President General Constantino Chiwenga (Retired) yesterday while officially opening the 12th edition of the International Business Conference, which ran concurrently with the 58th Zimbabwe International Trade Fair (ZITF).
President Mnangagwa asked his Cabinet Ministers to set targets to be achieved in the new administration’s first 100 days in office, as has become the norm in most countries in an effort to instil a culture of hard work.
The first 100 days ended on April 10.
Ministers worked around the clock to achieve the set targets, which have now laid a firm foundation for the success of economic, political and social programmes Government wants to achieve.
VP Chiwenga said a lot was achieved in the first 100 days and in keeping with the new administration’s desire for openness, the nation would be apprised shortly of the achievements.
“The first 100-day programme ended on 10 April and the OPC are already compiling (reports) on what was achieved and what was not achieved,” said VP Chiwenga.
“But what I want to tell you is that we achieved more than expected. On average, it was 86 percent, in some areas it was 100 percent and everything which was done, was done together with the private sector.
“As I am talking now, we are busy working for the next 100 days because the first 100 days was a great success.”
Achievements under the 100-day programme include resumption of the re-engagement process with the West and addressing a previously poisoned investment climate.
As part of addressing the investment climate, Government has amended the Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment Act, which sought to have locals holding 51 percent stakes in all projects.
However, Government has now reserved the 51 percent ownership structure to diamonds and platinum while other sectors such as gold mining can be owned 100 percent by foreigners.
Foreign investors can however own 100 percent of investments in value addition and beneficiation of diamonds and platinum.
Processing investment applications now takes place within 5 days from 14 days.
On the other hand, Government slashed excise duty on fuel by about 6c to reduce its overall price on the pump, and for this to cascade to manufacturers and retailers so that they reduce prices of goods although this has not happened.
The concept of 100-day or rapid results approach (RRA) is a structured set of results-focused, low risk, change-driving, team-based and problem-solving management tools for mobilising teams to achieve tangible and results.
It is also expected that through the 100-day programmes, Government will pace up organisational learning from several small-scale, results-producing and momentum-building projects.
The idea of 100 days was originally developed by a United States-based firm, Schaffer Consulting, as a tool for putting into practise the disciplines and other prerequisites of the results-based management (RBM) approach upon which it is premised.
This allows for long-term goals to be broken into smaller results-producing components that help to stimulate progress towards executing strategic, financial and operational plans leading to improved performance and livelihoods.
Well given that no one knew what the objectives were Chiwenga can say whatever the hell he likes. These guys are taking everyone for fools. Nothing has changed.