Mberengwa MP Mpofu dies

Source: Mberengwa MP Mpofu dies | The Herald

Mberengwa MP Mpofu dies
Cde Alum Mpofu

Michael Magoronga
Midlands Correspondent
Zanu PF Mberengwa South legislator, Cde Alum Mpofu, has died.

Cde Mpofu, who reportedly had a long history of kidney problems, collapsed at his home in Masvingo on Sunday and was pronounced dead on admission at a local hospital.

Zanu PF Midlands provincial spokesperson Cde Cornelius Mpereri confirmed the death.

“I have learnt with shock the untimely death of Honourable Mpofu,” he said.

“I am told he collapsed while at his home and died upon admission at hospital. We have lost a loyal cadre as a province; we have lost someone who was very dedicated to his work and we say may his soul rest in peace.

“I am told he had kidney problems and he collapsed at his home in Masvingo and died on Sunday. We are yet to ascertain the cause of death, but as of now that is what we know.”

Cde Mpereri said Cde Mpofu’s death was not only a loss to the party, but to the nation as a whole.

“In Honourable Mpofu, not only the Mberengwa people have lost a representative, but the party as a whole and the country at large has lost a very dedicated cadre who is not easy to replace,” he said.

Burial arrangements will be announced in due course.

Early this month, Cde Mpofu moved a motion to enact a law that prohibits any Zimbabwean from communicating false information that harms the country’s interests.

He said he was concerned that the negative portrayal of the country’s image and reputation had an adverse and crippling impact on the country’s economic prospects, especially on tourism, investment, and the welfare of the vulnerable such as youths, women and the disabled.

Cde Mpofu noted that other jurisdictions, recognising the need to preserve their image and soft power in a competitive global village, enacted laws that bar citizens from engaging in unpatriotic activities and communication intended to denigrate the integrity of their homeland.