Nkayi South MP appeals for vocational training centres 

Source: Nkayi South MP appeals for vocational training centres – The Southern Eye

NKAYI South legislator, Jabulani Hadebe, has lamented lack of vocational training centres in Nkayi meant to equip people in the district with skills.

In an interview with Southern Eye, Hadebe said lack of vocational training centres had resulted in local people being unable to acquire technical skills necessary for managing their resources.

“Lack of vocational training centres has a huge negative impact on the people’s lives in that our resources are being looted by people from other areas. We appeal to government to establish vocational training centres so that people can acquire skills and make use of our resources,” he said.

“We have tried to engage the government  so that it rehabilitates dilapidated government buildings and convert them to  vocational training centres.”

Hadebe said the infrastructure left idle in the district needed to be renovated.

“We have some church premises which can be used for vocational training. What is needed is for the government to empower our community,” he said.