Seed Co donates 466 blankets to Copota School for the Blind 

Source: Seed Co donates 466 blankets to Copota School for the Blind | The Herald

Seed Co donates 466 blankets to Copota School for the Blind
Seed Co public relations and communications manager Ms Marjorie Mutemererwa (pink top) hands over blankets to Copota School for the Blind headmaster Mr Tapiwa Madamombe (checked jacket) and the deputy head Mrs Prisca Mataza (centre) at the institution in Zimuto communal lands.

Faith Duri in Masvingo

Seed Co has brought smiles to students with physical and visual impairments after donating over 400 blankets to Copota School for the Blind in Zimuto, Masvingo.

Copota has an enrollment of over 200 students with both physical and visual impairments at both primary and secondary school levels and the donation by Seed Co will go a long way in easing their plight in the wake of challenges caused by donor fatigue.

Seed Co made the donation under its corporate social responsibility programme.

The firm’s public relations and corporate communications manager, Ms Marjorie Mutemererwa, said they donated 466 blankets which is double the number of students at Copota, meaning each student was assured of getting at least two blankets.

Speaking during the handover of the blankets to the institution in Zimuto,  Ms Mutemererwa rallied other corporates to lend a hand to the needy.

“As Seed Co we are greatly honoured to be making donations of 466 blankets here at Capota as we are nearly approaching winter season. We hope this will help students in keeping themselves warm in their dormitories,” she said.

In response to the gesture by Seed Co, Copota Secondary School head girl Abigal Chakavanda paid tribute to the company for the assistance which she said would lift the morale of students at the institution and help them to concentrate on their studies.

“I want to take this opportunity to thank Seed Co for remembering us by giving us blankets as we are approaching the winter season, this place is known for its coldness because our school is near a dam,” she said.

“Some students here always develop frostbites during the winter season to the extent that they first deep their hands in warm water for them to be able to write well in class.

“What you did to us is greatly appreciated as some of the students were just dumped here with nothing by their parents or guardians.”

Seed Co relationship with Capota started about four years ago when the firm donated five tonnes of mealie meal to assuage food shortages.

Copota has traditionally relied on donors for its day-to-day running but over the past few years, the number of benefactors has dipped leaving the institutions in want in most areas including raw materials such as rattan cane which is used at Copota workshops by those majoring in handicraft.