President makes senior appointments | The Herald

via President makes senior appointments | The Herald November 21, 2013

President Mugabe has appointed Dr Misheck Sibanda and Dr Mariyawanda Nzuwah as the Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet and Chairperson of the Civil Service Commission respectively in terms of the new Constitution of Zimbabwe.

Dr Nzuwah made the announcement of Dr Sibanda’s appointment in a statement yesterday.

“It has pleased His Excellency the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces, in terms of Section 205 (1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe No(20) Act 2013 to appoint Dr Misheck J Sibanda Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet, ipso facto Head of the Public Services with effect from the date of assumption of duty,” he said.

“Dr Misheck Sibanda will serve at the pleasure of His Excellency the President.”

In another statement, Dr Sibanda announced the appointment of Dr Nzuwah as head of the Civil Service Commission.

“It has pleased His Excellency the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces to appoint Dr Mariyawanda Nzuwah Chairperson of the Civil Service Commission in terms of Section (1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment No (20) Act 2013,” Dr Sibanda said.

Dr Nzuwah was also appointed Chairperson of the Defence Forces Service Commission, the Police Service Commission, the Prisons and Correctional Service Commission and also a member of the Judicial Service Commission as required under the new Constitution.

“The appointment is with effect from the date of assumption of duty. Dr Mariyanwanda Nzuwah shall serve at the pleasure of His Excellency the President,” Dr Sibanda said.

Dr Nzuwah was chairperson of the Public Service Commission that has been renamed the Civil Service Commission in the new Constitution. Dr Nzuwah also announced the appointment of Dr Ray Ndhlukula (accounting officer) as Deputy Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet.

He also announced that Colonel Christian Katsande (Retired) and Mr Justin Mupamhanga were appointed as Deputy Chief Secretaries to the President and Cabinet.

Mrs Pretty Sunguro (accounting officer) was appointed as Secretary for the Civil Service Commission, Defence Forces Service Commission, Police Service Commission and Prisons and Correctional Service Commission. The appointments were made in line with requirements of the new Constitution which confirmed the commissions and vested the powers on the President to appoint their leaders.



  • comment-avatar

    Who cares? It’s just a game of musical chairs with the same characters shuffling from one post to another. Nothing changes.

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    Chivula 11 years ago

    Excellent -cy, what a load of codswollop, where in hell is Mugarbage excellent, only in Mugarobberty!

  • comment-avatar
    Zindoga 11 years ago

    Poor heading. The story should be “President Mugabe retains senior civil servants” This is NOT news, with due respect.

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    Revenger-avenger 11 years ago

    The looting and misruler continues

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    Charles Chamunorwa 11 years ago

    What new thing will these goons bring. They have been there for too long.

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    Boss MyAss 11 years ago