Source: ZMC calls for balanced election coverage –Newsday Zimbabwe
THE media has been challenged to write balanced stories so that voters can make informed choices in the August 23 harmonised elections.
Zimbabwe Media Commission (ZMC) vice-chairperson Jasper Maphosa made the call during an election reporting training workshop in Kariba on Monday.
“The media provides a platform for debate among candidates by allowing candidates to communicate their messages to the electorate, and reporting on campaigning developments,” he said.
“By providing such a platform for public debate, scrutiny and informing the public of the policies of candidates and political parties, the media enables voters to judge for themselves and make informed decisions when they cast their votes or ballots.”
Maphosa said the forthcoming elections were a test of an independent and responsible media that promoted a peaceful electoral process.
“The media as the Fourth Estate is expected to provide a communication platform between the contestants and the voters. By providing such a platform for public debate, scrutiny and informing the public of the policies of candidates and political parties, the media enables voters to judge for themselves and make informed decisions when they cast their votes or ballots,” he said.
The commission has already launched an Election Reporting and Peace Journalism Manual, whose major objective is to capacitate media practitioners with the necessary knowledge and skills on how to report the election story.
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