‘Mugabe endgame begins’

A FORMER British Cabinet minister has claimed President Robert Mugabe was preparing for an endgame, suggesting the end was nigh for the long-time ruler, but this has drawn a strong response from Zimbabwe. BY OBEY MANAYITI

Source: ‘Mugabe endgame begins’ – NewsDay Zimbabwe November 1, 2016


Peter Mandelson suggested Mugabe’s rule was nearing its end, but predicted chaos if Zimbabwe did not receive a bailout.

According to an article published by The Express (UK), Mandelson warned the British government of a “crisis that threatens to unfold soon”, saying the international community must “establish the right incentives for reformers”.

But, Presidential spokesperson, George Charamba, yesterday dismissed Mandelson, who was in Zimbabwe in February on a much-criticised trip, as a daydreamer.

“Why do you want to be told about Zimbabwe by people who come from Britain?” he said, shooting down Mandelson’s forecasts.

Zanu PF youth secretary, Kudzanai Chipanga also dismissed Mandelson’s remarks as “wishful thinking”.

“What’s new about that? What endgame is he talking about? The British have been saying a lot of things on Zimbabwe since the 1990s. People must not listen to what he is saying,” he fumed.

“Are the British super gods, who can predict a person’s lifespan? We are sick and tired of their stupid analysis.

That person should shut up and go to hell. They must know that we are not British citizens and that our President was put in power by his people.”

Mandelson said Mugabe’s succession had gripped Zimbabwe and dominated every facet of life.

“Any discussion of business — or indeed most aspects of life — was inevitably a discussion of politics and the intense speculation and manoeuvring over the succession to Mugabe is dominating,” he said.

“It is clear that the endgame is underway, and the battle is being vociferously played out in the Zimbabwean Press.

“Less clear is how it will end and who will prevail — and whether it will play out while the President is still alive.”

The British politician also spoke about the current cash crisis, saying it would have an impact on the functioning of the economy.

He said Zimbabwe needed “encouragement, debt restructuring and an injection of additional liquidity”.

MDC-T spokesperson, Obert Gutu said Mandelson’s prediction of a Zanu PF endgame was spot-on.

“It’s pretty obvious that we are going through the endgame for the beleaguered Zanu PF regime. No rocket science is needed to appreciate that the Zanu PF regime is crumbling and that a new political dispensation is beckoning in Zimbabwe,” he said.

Mugabe will be turning 93 in less than four months, with his party insisting he is still able to go on, despite persistent rumours about his ill health.


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    Homo Erectus 8 years ago

    The introduction of the Bond Notes will signal the end of the game for grandpa and all his thieving cohorts. Bring them on, the sooner the better.

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    How must it feel to have 99% of the population longing for your death????

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    tonyme 8 years ago

    It looks like the situation in Zimbabwe has long needed help but the government refuses to listen. It is Zimbabwean economy bleeding profusely and not the British. For too long there has been neglect and refusal to listen when the economy is collapsing. First there was the Zimbabwean dollar, then the American dollar and the Rand, now we are being told of the notes , again. The Rand and the American Dollar are both holding strong and are still i circulation in South Africa and USA. So there must be something wrong with governance in Zimbabwe. The people in power refuse to acknowledge that as the economy continues to collapse. The endgame is near apparently and it seems like the leadership does not care about the future at all. There are children and the elderly who need protection and help from the country. Please help us live in an independent country and feel the benefits of living in an African-led country. Independence seems to be a burden and has created hell for the masses. This is wake-up call and it is time the leadership understands this phenomena. People are tired and cant support the party any longer. Please know that for 36 years we have expected improvements on the quality of our lives. Only government ministers and those privileged to steal live in luxury while we all wallow in abject poverty.

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    Nyoni 8 years ago

    92 and still wearing nappies. Mmm

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    chimusoro 8 years ago

    This endgame started in 1996-wow! 20 years later and it’s still on. What sort of endgame is this???

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    The last thing we need right now is a bailout, that will give younger Z.PF leaders the resources they need to settle back into their normal routine of looting theft and corruption.

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    Nhamodzenyika 8 years ago

    Chimusoro wato zvituka nechekare, na CF makafa pfungwa, little kids in grades 0,1&2 can see far much further than you. This CIO job is not a life time thing,its truly coming to a halt,whether you like it or not. Beware the aids of march

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    Mthwakazi 8 years ago

    Chimusoro imhata yemunhu. Toshanda tose. Haatsiurike.

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    Bring on the bond notes. We can’t wait to see the backsides of Zanu PF idiots! Tough times ahead but soon we will be rid of the parasitic, idiotic, hopeless bunch.