Source: ‘AU, EU must intervene on Zim crisis’ –Newsday Zimbabwe
Timothy ChiguvarePEOPLE’s Progressive Party Zimbabwe (PPPZ) president Timothy Chiguvare says the country needs mediators to address the question on electoral reforms.
“We need mediators such as the African Union or at most the Euroepan Union or the United Nations (UN) to arrange for a neutral venue so that we can deal with the issues of electoral reforms among other thorny issues that have seen Zimbabwe going backwards,” Chiguvare said.
“We cannot have dialogue with the ruling party which has over the years refused to reform, they have ruined this country and they believe they own Zimbabwe, and we as PPPZ we strongly believe that Zimbabwe belongs to the Zimbabweans of yesterday, today and tomorrow.”
Turning to the Political Actors Dialogue (Polad) , the PPPZ leader said: “Polad is a joke of the century. We participated in the last election, and the reason we didn’t want to be part of polad is that there is no truth in it.
“It’s just a gang of Zanu PF sympathisers, some of whom never received a single vote but are just there for benefits and nothing else. It’s an embarrassing gathering of looters and chancers.”
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