WATCH: Kasukuwere breaks silence “I was inside the house when army attacked”

Staff Reporter| Former Local Government Minister, Saviour Kasukuwere has spoken of the events that transpired from the day soldiers descended onto his house on the 14th November last month. He says when they arrived for the first time, he was actually inside the house just as they opened fire.

He says both he and Prof Jonathan Moyo ran away on foot like Edgar Tekere and Robert Mugabe  did in 1974. He says this without clearly explaining the connection with Prof Moyo’s presence and how they ended up in the bush together. He spoke to businessman Mutumwa Mawere late Thursday.

When the snipers first arrived, they opened fire on the house and upon that time Kasukuwere sounded the alarm. When the alarm sounded out aloud, the snipers retreated fearing that other soldiers who guard Kasukuwere would be alerted and there would be an open war. Upon that time they then fled on foot non stop into the bushes where-ever they could find an escape route and flee. He says they even passed through parks and continued on and on…

Says Kasukuwere, “[they] just jumped the durawall and started firing. I was inside the house…I think our alarm saved us, I think so, and we didn’t make any noises, we just kept quiet… but the alarm continued to go…so …they … after 10 to 15 minutes of heavy shooting then they left.”

Kasukuwere says it was at that point that they quickly left the house and escaped before the soldiers could come back. Source:

Managed to track Kasukuwere – He does not want to talk in public but hear his voice – In search of a better Zimbabwe – But where is wisdom and understanding to be found – G40, Lacoste or nowhere

Publicerat av Mutumwa Mawere den 7 december 2017


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    Ndonga 7 years ago

    Well, having the name of Saviour might just have helped him.

    Can you just imagine TwoBoy Kasukuwere running about in a panic trying to decide which of his fifty bedrooms he should hide in? And with Prof Jonathan following him trying to get him to make a decision.

    Prof Jonathan, “Let’s get out through that toilet window”, and then having a second look at TwoBoy’s body size, had to look for a plan B.

    It must have been pure comedy, right down to our glorious Zimbabwe Liberation Army soldiers finally being frightened off by a ringing burglar alarm.

    We will probably have the armies of our future enemies leaving their guns at home, and arming themselves with multiple blaring burglar alarms.

    Just a thought…

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    Justeni 7 years ago

    So wht, if u were in the house?

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    haiwawo ndezvako wena mukomana

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    Red Dog 7 years ago

    Rumours used to say both kasukuwere and moyo were gay. Now imagine those two “hiding” in a bedroom together. Nothing good would come out of that.