Source: Zimbabwe’s economic crisis a cause for concern – The Zimbabwean
The political crisis is characterised by a centre that is not holding, elite rapture, militarisation, conflation of the state and the ruling party, all worsening a crisis of legitimacy owing to the stolen election of 2018.
Resultantly the cure to the legitimacy crisis and the creation of a much needed new contract between the people of Zimbabwe and their leaders has not been established. Those in power now use the state as an arena of personal accumulation enriching themselves and those around them at the expense of the general masses.
The meeting noted that this political challenge has resulted in the following.
1. A collapsing economy with very low production levels
2. Heightening poverty, unemployment and inequality.
3. Massive shortages of fuel and other basic commodities.
4. A liquidity crisis with depositors unable to access their funds from the banks.
5. Monetary confusion with multi exchange rates.
7. Crippling inflation with basic goods becoming unaffordable for the majority.
8. Collapsing social services characterised by shortage of drugs and recurrence of cholera in some parts of the country.
9. A doctor’s strike which seen most hospitals discharging patients before completion of treatment and placing the rest on risk of death through avoidable conditions.
10. Hopelessness among society and an increase on crimes of necessity, violence and rising suicide cases.
The leadership recommitted to stick to its prescription contained in President Chamisa’s five point plan and shall complete the consultation process, conscientise Zimbabweans on the need for lawful citizen action as enshrined in section 59 of the Constitution.
The party will however remain committed in offering alternative economic policies to mitigate the unpalatable suffering of the Zimbabweans people.
Jacob Mafume
MDC National Spokesperson