via CFU demands investment security | SW Radio Africa by Mthulisi Mathuthu on Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Despite government’s seemingly softening stance towards private property the Commercial Framers Union (CFU) says it has seen an increase in ‘disturbances and upheavals’ in the agricultural sector.
The CFU said while it welcomed attempts to attract investors, evidence on the ground showed that their members continue to be ‘evicted’, ‘extorted’ and ‘threatened’ by ‘politically connected opportunists.’ In a statement the CFU called on the government to ensure and guarantee ‘investment security.’
The call comes after the ZANU PF politburo recently resolved to remove all land-grab beneficiaries from properties protected under the Bilateral Investment Promotion and Protection Agreements (BIPPAS).
Zimbabwe signed these agreements with regional and international countries as a signal that investment is encouraged and would be protected. Under these agreements government is required to pay fair compensation in the currency of the former owner’s choice.
Over the years ZANU PF has routinely violated the agreements by parceling out protected pieces of land to cronies. But as a way to attract investment and the much needed foreign currency there has been a climb down, which culminated in the recent politburo decision.
However the CFU said the country generally, and the agricultural sector specifically, continue to stagnate as a result of a lack of clear investor friendly policies. The organisation called for an end to ‘conflict around the land.’
The statement also condemned the recent brutal attack on Catherine Francis and her father Malcolm on a farm in Guruve. Catherine subsequently died as a result of the attack. SW Radio Africa has also just been informed by the CFU that Malcolm Francis died from his injuries on Monday night.
Nobody is going to invest a cent in Zimbabwe so long as these clowns are running the show, nobody believes anything they say and nobody will trust them
Come on guys – this is all part of the Zanu Controlled Revolution that they started in 2000 to carry out the Land Reform Programme. Refer to Prof Scoones at IDS (Un. of Sussex) and he will tell you it is a brilliant programme and success and Mr. Mbeki the World Chief Election Result Manipulator will concur! Then move on to the MDC and the CFU and they will tell you that they are all making progress with ZANU in terms of the rule of law, human rights, property rights and creating a great investment climate for foreign investment! Zimbabwe is Utopia if you can smoke the same Binga Best that all these guys do. Zanu is allowed to murder civilians as it chooses – this is a revolution you know.
“The call comes after the ZANU PF politburo recently resolved to remove all land-grab beneficiaries from properties protected under the Bilateral Investment Promotion and Protection Agreements (BIPPAS).”
ZANU PF politburo better wake up rapidly. In 2009 an International Arbitration Tribunal ruled that Zimbabwe must pay a group of Dutch farmers whose properties were protected under a BIPPA. To date not a cent has been paid yet, but in the mean time the amount owing has now escalated to more than 4 times the original claim, and is still accumulating thanks to interest charges.
We should all demand only one thing. A ZANU exit
@John and @Andy have said the right things
What gives BIPPA farm owners more rights than true Zimbabweans? Why should these foreigners be allowed to carry on farming when I should guess that most of their earnings are sent back to the countries they came from. Pay compensation to true Zimbabweans first, then decide what to do about these foreigners.
BIPPA farm owners were only prepared to invest in this country because the Zimbabwe government was so desperate for investment that they signed and ratified these agreements, now Zimbabwe is renegading on these agreements and wonder why nobody wants to invest in Zimbabwe again. Why is Zimbabwe still signing BIPPA’S if they don’t honor those already signed?
These BIPPA farmers paid taxes the same as any other Zimbabwean,boosted the economy and provided employment to thousands of Zimbabweans.
Eventually it is all going to collapse ,just a matter of time.The bible says you reap what you sow.And that two wrongs don’t make a right.Zanu is going to learn the hard way eventually!They are a doomed party controlled by the devil.
All these guys are showing is that ….they are so inferior to the white guy coz….every successful white venture is being targeted for intimidation and aquisition……what they are showing is that the few 100 whites left in the country…..outperform them…in all spheres of the economy…….TIME to stop looking for freebies and work the freedom you have been given……..(even that you stole)
The CFU must realize that appeasement is feeding the crocodile hoping he eats you last!!!!
How about Zimbabwe’s First Farmer and First Shopper – they also took one of the best dairy farms in the country in the Mazowe valley. How can the world take anything seriously from Zanu – apart from their determination to carry out genocide, torture, stealing, rape, printing gazillions to steal the pension funds investments. You can read about workshops at Troutbeck to solve the crisis in Zimbabwe!! A controlled revolution – planned and executed by Zanu and now they are telling the world that they are working on a solution for the crisis that they created/designed/engineered!! What next – UN funding of course to have the workshops to forge new plans to put together a new Humpty Dumpty. Will the CFU wake up and smell the roses or carry on waya wayaring with Zanu?