Defence University holds inaugural graduation ceremony

Source: Defence University holds inaugural graduation ceremony | The Herald August 9, 2019

Defence University holds inaugural graduation ceremonyAir Vice Marshal Moyo

Farirai Machivenyika Senior Reporter
President Mnangagwa yesterday capped seven students who graduated with a Master of Science degree in International Studies while 31 others were conferred with certificates after completing the National Defence Course at the inaugural graduation ceremony of the Zimbabwe National Defence University.

The graduates were drawn from the Zimbabwe Defence Forces, police, President’s Department, Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional Services and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade.

The university was previously the National Defence College before its transformation last year.

The Vice Chancellor of the university, Air Vice Marshal Michael Moyo said the institution was the hub of the nation’s defence and security studies.

“In line with its vision of being the nation’s defence and security hub, fostering, integrative and conscious nation-building, the ZNDU is the pinnacle for defence and security studies,” Air Vice Marshal Moyo said.

“As a result, all military and non-military schools with inclination towards defence and security are affiliated to the ZNDU, in order to promote co-ordinated efforts, integration and cohesion in the teaching of defence and security studies.

“Today marks a landmark in the history of this university in its progression path as part of national efforts to attain the goals of Vision 2030.”

He added that the university was finalising the launch of new degree programmes.

“This graduation therefore marks a turning point in the history of the ZNDU which now offers the Master of Science in International Studies under its auspices and has also opened the Faculty of Engineering with students enrolled for the BSc (Hons) Aerospace Engineering and the Master of Science in Software Engineering degrees.

“The Faculty of Engineering is finalising the launch of two more programmes, namely the BSc (Hons) in Aviation (Aircraft Systems and Operations) for trainee pilots and the BSc (Hons) in Aviation (Air Traffic Management) for trainee air traffic controllers at our affiliate School of Flying Training in Gweru,” he said.

Air Vice Marshal Moyo said other new programmes to be launched next year include Master of Science in Peace and Conflict Management and is also working with the Universiti Utara Malaysia to increase exposure for students.

“Under the Institute of Strategic Research and Analysis preparatory work to host the ZNDU brand of the Second Edition of the International Conference on Peace, Security and International Studies in October 2020 with our cooperating partner, the Horn International Institute for Strategic Studies, from Kenya is underway,” he added.

Air Vice Marshal Moyo said the university was among the six universities selected by Government to host an innovation hub, adding the hub will have six research departments that include defence technology, special projects, pure and applied sciences, computer science, software engineering, application and commercialisation, and aerospace technology.


  • comment-avatar
    I am not the one 6 years ago

    Masters in kleptocracy
    Hons advanced incompetence
    Bachelor entitlement and greed
    Diploma idiocy and social ineptness
    Higher Certificate in ignorance
    Advanced studies in uselessness