Next Africa: For Once, Things are Looking Positive in Zimbabwe 

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Source: Next Africa: For Once, Things are Looking Positive in Zimbabwe – Bloomberg


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    Fallenz 3 years ago

    Oh sure… let’s not consider the evils of recent past, and especially not those of the past week.  Let’s not hold accountable those who try to absolve themself of their past evils by inflicting more evil.  Let’s not consider that those who did murderous things to gain and hold power and wealth remain amongst us and even remain in power.  Let’s not seek justice where there is no repentance or shame or restitution from those who do the evil… even taking bread from the mouths of children so the rich and powerful evil-doers can enrich themselves more.  

    Applauding the current inflation rate is appalling.  If the current rate were under 10%, and improving, that’s something to speak of, but this economy, owned lock, stock, and barrel by ZANUPF, is disgusting… especially considering it’s been their looting that brought it, and their incompetence that keeps it in the gutter.   Away! with ZANUPF…!!! 

    When those evil-doers go to stand before the Maker, I wonder what their answer will be.  I’m quite confident that I can guess what His judgment will be for them… it’ll be for eternity.  (I truly wish I could properly feel compassion for them.)

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    Steve 3 years ago

    Overhead recently…if you see or find something that zpf does not want or does not steal, don’t touch it, as it could be highly dangerous or fatal.