Tag: Lake Mutirikwi

Lake Mutirikwi in historic spill 

Lake Mutirikwi in historic spill 

Source: Lake Mutirikwi in historic spill | The Herald George Maponga Masvingo Bureau Lake Mutirikwi, Zimbabwe’s second largest inland water b ...
US$14 milion Mutirikwi hydropower project kicks off 

US$14 milion Mutirikwi hydropower project kicks off 

Source: US$14 milion Mutirikwi hydropower project kicks off | The Herald George Maponga in Masvingo Lake Mutirikwi, the country’ ...
Siltation threatens Lake Mutirikwi 

Siltation threatens Lake Mutirikwi 

Source: Siltation threatens Lake Mutirikwi | The Herald Siltation, is water pollution caused by particulate terrestrial clastic material, with a pa ...
ZINWA readies for Lake Mutirikwi spill 

ZINWA readies for Lake Mutirikwi spill 

Source: ZINWA readies for Lake Mutirikwi spill | The Herald Mrs Munyonga George Maponga in Masvingo The Zimbabwe National Water A ...
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