Tag: Zimbabwe Peace Project

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Will Zimbabwe be prepared if it suffers a major outbreak of Covid-19?

Will Zimbabwe be prepared if it suffers a major outbreak of Covid-19?

Zimbabwe had recorded 23 coronavirus cases and three deaths as of April 16, but many fear that the true numbers could be much higher because of the la ...
Inside Chitungwiza, Harare’s worsening water crisis 

Inside Chitungwiza, Harare’s worsening water crisis 

Source: Inside Chitungwiza, Harare’s worsening water crisis - The Standard February 16, 2020 news in depth: BY CHRIS MURONZI Ten people push ...
Lost hope, uncertainty and despair as youths search for opportunities 

Lost hope, uncertainty and despair as youths search for opportunities 

Source: Lost hope, uncertainty and despair as youths search for opportunities - The Standard January 12, 2020 news in depth:BY TAPIWA ZIVIRA ...
Govt urged to ensure non-partisan food aid distribution 

Govt urged to ensure non-partisan food aid distribution 

Source: Govt urged to ensure non-partisan food aid distribution - NewsDay Zimbabwe January 8, 2020 BY TAPIWA ZIVIRA The Zimbabwe Peace Project ...
Machete-wielding gangs competing for gold threaten to destabilise Zimbabwe, says ZHRC

Machete-wielding gangs competing for gold threaten to destabilise Zimbabwe, says ZHRC

Source: Machete-wielding gangs competing for gold threaten to destabilise Zimbabwe, says ZHRC - Miningmx     VIOLENCE per ...
Machete-wielding gangs hold Zimbabwe gold mines hostage

Machete-wielding gangs hold Zimbabwe gold mines hostage

Since relaxing laws for gold digging, violent gangs have run amok across the country, killing hundreds in 2019 alone Source: Machete-wielding gangs h ...
Machete wars may turn into national conflict: Minister 

Machete wars may turn into national conflict: Minister 

Source: Machete wars may turn into national conflict: Minister - NewsDay Zimbabwe November 22, 2019 MIDLANDS Provincial Affairs minister Larry ...

The Water Crisis Fact Sheet No. 2, 2019 – Zimbabwe 

Source: The Water Crisis Fact Sheet No. 2, 2019 - Zimbabwe | ReliefWeb Section 77 of Zimbabwe’s Constitution states that “every person has a right ...
Mukoko’s abduction horror scare that never fades away 

Mukoko’s abduction horror scare that never fades away 

Source: Mukoko’s abduction horror scare that never fades away - The Zimbabwe Independent October 4, 2019 Nyasha Chingono IT is a harro ...
Zimbabwe doctor is found, but disappearances continue to rise – Africa 

Zimbabwe doctor is found, but disappearances continue to rise – Africa 

Source: Zimbabwe doctor is found, but disappearances continue to rise - Africa - RFI Zimbabwe doctor Peter Magombeyi disappeared ...
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