Chiwenga is out of his depth at the Health ministry: Godfrey Gandawa 

Source: Chiwenga is out of his depth at the Health ministry: Godfrey Gandawa – The Zimbabwean

Godfrey Gandawa.

The ministry of health has not taken a single step towards making these therapies available in our hospitals. 1/

It therefore comes as little surprise that Covid-19 is now a death sentence for those who find themselves requiring hospital admission. It is the direct result of failure by govt to provide a reasonable level of care in our hospitals. 2/

Chiwenga, who appears increasingly out of his depth at the Health ministry, has been reported as saying claims of hospital bed shortages are false and are being peddled by pen-mercenaries. Such nonsense is unexpected of govt at a time of crisis such as this. 3/

The reference to a shortage of beds does not mean a literal shortage of metal frames and matrasses. Instead, it is a reference to the capacity to deliver treatment in critical cases. This includes ventilators, oxygen availability and the aforementioned therapies. 4/

The shortage of Covid-19 equipped hospital beds has been widely reported, with the public forced to plead on social media for beds. Govt spokesman Nick Mangwana admitted as much, saying govt had been overrun by the virus. 5/

Chiwenga is either not in the right state of mind or he is taking the people of Zimbabwe for a ride. Whatever the case, he is clearly an ineffective health minister – a role he mistakes for barking threatening commands against health workers. 6/

State media has been excitedly reporting that Zimbabwe will have access to 3 million vaccine doses under AVATT, misrepresenting that this solves the problem. There are 16 million people in Zimbabwe, what is the plan for the 13 million? /7

Again, it is important to note that AVATT is not the result of any work by the govt of Zimbabwe. This leaves the question as to what exactly Chiwenga has been doing in the Health ministry, apart from threatening nurses? He has done nothing to acquire vaccines or therapeutics. 8/

The silence by govt over the 13 million vaccines that remain outstanding simply points to the fact that it has no idea what it is doing, and there are no plans to actually acquire vaccines. Why would such plans be a secret except for the reason that they do not exist? 9/

Compare this with South Africa, which has put forward credible plans to save its population. Leadership is on display. One gets a very real feeling that those in charge are in an urgent state and are working to solve multiple problems concurrently. /10

While the pandemic is ravaging the world, Zimbabwe’s govt is more concerned with sideshows – incarcerating opposition leaders and boasting over the arrest of thousands of Covid-19 regulation violators. These are not achievements. /11

People will violate lockdown regulations because there is no social safety net. Govt expects people to stay indoors but has no plan whatsoever as to what they will eat while indoors. Unfortunately, people would rather risk Covid-19 than watch their families die of hunger. 12/
Given the informal state of our economy and the inability of govt to provide a safety net, what is urgently required is a solution to quickly get people back to work. Govt does not have the money to procure the vaccine and it a waste of time to keep pretending otherwise. 13/

The private sector has a key role to play. There are perhaps millions of people who have the resources to fund their own vaccination. Get the programme out of govt hands and let private medical facilities lead the way on a commercial basis. 14/

The vaccines that are eventually acquired through the generosity of donors can be used to vaccinate health workers and other vulnerable groups such as the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions that put them at greater risk. 15/

While a private sector led vaccine initiative is not ideal, it is the fastest way for a country without resources, and leadership, to get back to work. If we can vaccinate the most vulnerable and those with the resources to pay, we can get life back to normal faster. /16

Meanwhile, Zanu PF has chosen to use Covid-19 as yet another campaign opportunity, deploying its branded party vehicles to ‘assist’ response teams. If Mnangagwa had any shame, he would wonder why the political party he leads can afford vehicles yet his govt cannot. /17

If this was not a campaign gimmick, govt should have simply instructed CMED to avail vehicles for the ministry of health and Covid-19 response teams. Choosing to use Covid-19 as a campaign opportunity is yet another example of just how callous Mnangagwa and his regime are. 18/


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    Nyoni 4 years ago

    Is this Chiwenga a medical person or what. What does he know about Health issues besides his own. Has he a First Aid certificate . These are questions no one asks. Knowledge of the job are essentials not barking orders as if you are still a general in the army. Work with your team and learn or better still do a crash course in how to do things. Clown.

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    Dr Ace Mukadota PhD 4 years ago

    Chiwenga is a Doctor – how can people say that our great war hero Chiwengwa is no good ?

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      Ndonga 4 years ago

      Easy to say and true…but I think you are joking Doctor Ace.